
So I’m queuing up today and some girl pinches my bottom

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I turned round and saw a giggly girl and her friend probably done it for a dare. I just laughed and winked at her, but it got me thinking what if I had done that to her she only looked about 14 15. I would of been called a perv, creep, pedo and probably got a slap and a criminal record. Are men just supposed to be grateful when this sort of thing happens?




  1. Little s***s will end up knocked up in a couple of years....if I were you I would've done their parents a favor and smacked the c**p out of them.

  2. I think you handled it best. Either that or simply ignoring it would be the best way to avoid troubles. As far as grateful, I would not be if the pincher were too young or old.  

  3. because normally men do it so its taboo when women do it .it's just nature that makes it wrong .men are usally more calm when thing like that happen to them .how old are you

  4. I think you treated  it the right way, any other way and you were on a loser. If you had complained you would have looked silly and probably been asked if you were boasting or complaining. If you had gone into the inappropriate behaviour mode you would have sounded pompous. Given their age you would not have tried to pinch theirs but a 14 year old lad doing the same thing to a woman of your age would or could have ended up in all sorts of trouble for this silly prank.    

    It illustrates one thing: life ain't fair  

  5. Those girls were inappropriate.  If they do it to you again just tell them that it's not funny.  Funny thing is that you can get in trouble by just letting it happen.  Teen aged girls are an odd lot and you never know what they will do.

  6. Why would you be grateful? That's weird, she's only 14, that's my age!

  7. Your A__ will end up in jail if you pursue any minor under 18 you know, then all kinds of Big BOYS will be pinching your A__ and giggeling.

  8. I would be good natured about it this one time and say something like, "Hey!  You're lucky I'm a nice guy.  That kind of thing could land you in trouble."  Laugh it off but make sure they know you're serious.

  9. It probably was a dare. The IQ of a teenager drops when they gather in packs. If she does it again I think the safest thing for you to do is, without saying a word to the girls, go tell the manager of the place.  

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