
So Jets fans... And Packer fans...

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Are you guys happy to see Brett Favre on your roster for the 2008-09 season?

And if your a Packer fan reading this...

If brett had to of gotten traded somewhere; are you glad it was to the Jets? Or would you of liked somewhere else?




  1. no hes terrible  

  2. I'm a Packer fan and hate the Jets even though I've lived in NY all my life. As disappointing it was to see Favre play elsewhere, I'm glad it was the Jets. It will be good for him and the league.

  3. I'm a Brett Favre fan....ahem, WAS a Brett Favre fan....

    I love the guy, but man oh man, the Jets?? Come on! Any other team but the friggen Jets?

    I refuse to buy my 2 yr old son a Jets jersey no matter what name is on the back.

    Any other team....just not the d**n Jets! Sadly, I hope Brett bites the big one with those guys....

  4. Favre loves USC

    He wants to tranfer to USC

    He wants to play with the best team in the nation!!!

  5. I'm Brett Favre fan so I will follow him where ever he may go.

  6. when will the favre questions end?

  7. I'm a Packer fan living in New York. I'm mad that Favre is not a Packer anymore, but I'm glad that he's in NY if not GB.  

  8. They didn't want Favre going to anyone in their division, such as Minn. So I think Gb fans are happy, and Jet fans... so are Pat fans, Harrison is going to knock the silly out of Favre on week 2.  

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