
So John Edwards said he wanted to take a DNA test

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because he knows the timing isn't right for him to be the baby's father. So why then was he caught last month in the mothers hotel room?? Funny how now she is the one refusing the test. How many of you believe he is the dad?




  1. he is a L-I-A-R !!!

    he IS the dad..and she's been paid off to refuse the test

  2. He has said he would, and she has most likely been paid off to refuse it.  My gut tells me he is the father, but frankly, Scarlet, I don't give a dang.  I just hope the child is raised better than either of his parents.

    In yesterday's interview, Edwards came off as a slimeball.  I feel for this child.

  3. I think the monetary gain she has and will continue to make are contingent on the paternity remaining in question. At least until after the Nov. election. IF BO wins , he can then fulfill his deal with Edwards and appoint him to a Cabinet job like Attorney General. His paternity is a non-issue once appointed, and he cannot cause any more problems for Barracks potential nomination.` As they say.. the fix is still in.

  4. The child is his of course. The reason he says he will take the DNA is because she has been bribed to refuse it. Yes, we do have something to say about this. It's not a private matter because Edwards used campaign funds to pay this woman $114,000 to make 3 YouTube videos. She accompanied him around on that jet and if you donated any money to Edwards campaign, you helped pay for it. It is all very crooked. Edwards also knew he would never be the candidate, yet he stayed in collecting more money and making sure that Hillary didn't get the nomination. Both of the Edwards should go to prison.

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