
So Kane switch the bag cause he knew Mike was gonna force him to show wat was inside?

by  |  earlier

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i think he is gonna come out as mask kane on summerslam, either that or the storyline was the biggest piece of c**p WWE has pulled out

How did Rey *kayfabe* die?




  1. i'm hoping he just switched the bags, or else this would be the biggest let down in wwe

  2. Oh yes.  Im sure Rey has own little baggy with his own mask lying around.

    Cmon, switch bags?  Really?

    i say Kane comes out at Summerslam with Rey's mask on his face. haha

  3. Rey is apparently leaving WWE because he's had enough of it so they could make a storyline where Kane killed Rey(even though Kane was talking about himself)but could still return.I think that was the bag that he had all along but this week it was a different shape so why was he so keen on keeping it a secret?

  4. I don't think he switched the bag's this is what he been talking about all along probably we just didn't think it,  it was the furthest thought from our mind's

    and he "kayfabe" died by losing his mask, it's mexican superstition

  5. its mexican superstiton that if a lucha libre loses his mask his career is dead

  6. No, It not Kane Mask, WWE has Shocked the world again, Kane never will put the mask on again  get that through your head.

    WQ- we find out as the storyline continue

  7. Kane switched the bags

  8. thats what i think..i think he will put the mask on at summerslam

  9. we'll have to find out as this storyline progresses

  10. do you know what "kayfabe" means? its when something REAL happens outside a planned storyline, Rey Mysterio is not "Kayfabe" dead cause that would mean he is ACTUALLY dead in really life and it would be all in the news

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