
So Many Questions! (Robo Dwarf Hamsters)?

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I am a hamster *n00b* so please forgive me. These Dwarf Hamsters that I got yesterday are my first hamsters, yet the first real pets I've really ever owned. Except for fish. But I never really wanted any fish.

- I have two hamsters -

Alright well, this wasn't really bothering me much, but my mother brought it to my attention. My little cage set for my Robos came with a water bottle. I filled it up, and it works fine. Every time I squeeze it it'll squirt water. It even leaked one time out of the end. But I have rarely seen my hamsters even take a small sip of that water.

For about 24 hours now, I have only seen one of my hamsters nibble on a leaking water drop, and that was the only time too. At first I thought that they didn't know how to drink out of the nozzle, so I took the cap of a Propel bottle and filled it up with water, and placed it in the cage. I have yet to see any of my hamsters take a drink out of it.

I don't know if I should really be worried.

Thanks in advance.




  1. I'm not a hamster genius but I'm pretty sure i heard if you put two hamsters together they kill each other... you might wont to look into that but its probably just a lie. I personaly like rats there way more friendly and smarter than hamsters but anyway..they are only a little bigger than dwarf hamster (or atleast mine are but there pretty small compared to normal fancy rats) and between all four of them they barley drink any water a day because there blatter is only so big! so i dont think you need to worry maybe wate a week?? since you put the water in a cup for them i think there fine. and you should dry any small animal thoroughly after they swim(maybe why there all in a ball?? my rats do that after they go for a swim in the tub) and for further info you probably should leave them to move into the cage for about a week before you give them a bath cause they still need to settle in. think thats all i got to say but im pretty sure hamsters are solitairy aniumals you might want to double check just in case. good luck!! =)

  2. wait a swim in water?? im pretty sure ur not supposed to let them swim in water they could get sick

    do u havea  vet?? if so bring them their or if u dont search on the internet wut to do if u hamster is sick

    im pretty sure they are sick

    about the water bottle thing thats very common mine used to never drink for like 1 week if in the pet store in their cage or tank if they had a water bottle than they definetley kno how to use it theyre just not adapted it dont worry maybe squirt some water out of the bottle on then so they see thats wut i did and my gerbils started drinkin or maybe they do drink u just never witness it

    i hope u hamsters are ok and u should be a little worried because they might be sick!!

    heres a website that might help u if they are sick or checking if they are sick:

    i hope i helped!!!

  3. CALM DOWN...

    They will be fine.

    Shaking in a ball means that they are sleeping.  When you pick yours up while it was asleep, it vibrates, it is very cute.  Don't let them swim ever again though.  They are desert animals and don't swim good.  Which brings me to the water.  Hamsters (especially dwarfs) do not drink much.  They know how to drink from a nozzle.  They did at the pet store I'm sure, and they can't go more than a few days without water.  But the water they drink is unnoticable and doesn't even dent the amount in the bottle.  Take out the Propel cap, they will p**p in it and then drink it and get sick.  Just leave them alone for 3 more days (don't hold them, do feed and care for them), they'll do great.  Good luck (you'll need it when you're holding robos!). :D

  4. calm down!! you just got them yesterday! you shouldnt play with them for atleast 2 days, so they get used to their surroundings. and hamsters are TINY and they wont make much of a dent when they drink! for my dwarf hamster it takes her about 2 months to fully drink all of that water! and some advice, dont give them a bath anymore. they clean themselves and ur right, they can catch colds. as for the shaking thing when their rolled up in a ball, their probably sleeping and having a dream! my hammie does it all the time! or it could be cleaning itself......down there and it looks like hes in a ball.

    but RELAX! i know when i first got my hamster i was concerned about my hammie drinking water too!  that just means ur a caring hammie owner!

    good luck and hope i helped!!!!

    p.s-give ur hammies a day or 2 to relax and get used to their new home!!

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