
So..My mom passed away but what was growing from her arms..?

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My mom passed away in March of this year she had cancer but ultimately she passed with a heart attack. Which is the way she wanted to go and she was sleeping. Anywho's I keep having dreams about her and most of the time they're pretty good dreams. But this last dream she was still alive but one of her hands had long triangle shaped nails that were blackened..kinda like the ones you would think of for a witch or a goblin I guess. Then her other arm was like a tree root seafoam green in color and it had little roots growing off of it..she was also reaching out towards me. What in the world does that insinuate? Its been bugging me for days! If you have any insight please let me know





  1. The state you see her in is the actual state she is in in the grave.  Her reaching out to you is exactly that.  She needs your help, needs you to pray for her, to ask God to forgive her, needs you to ask for mercy for her and be a good progeny.  The dead can no longer rack up rewards, good deeds as they cannot do anything in the worlds of the living.  You, on the other hand, are able to do good deeds, conduct yourself well, thank God for your blessings as you and all the living yet have time.  Any good therefore you do, will be to your mother's reward as she has raised a righteous child.Regarding the nails, this indicates your mother did not pray in her life, thanking God for her blessings. The other arm is her kin or whoever she left behind who has an inkling of spirituality and religion and perhaps some belief in God.  My guess this is you.  Your mother is discontent.  She needs people to stop mourning ands greiving as this causes her to suffer and not rest in peace.  As I said, YOU must pray and recall her to God asking mercy on her.  YOU must do good deeds, charity, a smile perhaps on her behalf so she can collect its reward.  Pray for your mother.

    'When a person dies all his good deeds cease except for three: a continuous act of charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous son who prays for him'.'' (Muslim, and the Sunan)


  2. I don't like to say something different than what people expect, but I have to say what they dream is showing. Obviously, your mother is shocked by where she went to post her demise. She found something that is different than what she had expected. However, she tries to leave the place but those tree roots signify a permanent stay. So umm I wish I have said something else but that is the dream.

  3. I hope this doesn't scare you. But if you have more than 2 dreams about a person that has died, it normally means they are still around. It could be that they do not accept their death and are not ready to move on or they could not pass on for some reason. If the dreams are good then it's not so bad. I also dreamt of a dead relative who died in Feb this yr. They were good dreams where she is smiling is is just around etc. In one she hugs me which means she is protecting me or trying to help i was going through some bad stuff at that time. Since I got it sorted the dreams have stopped. I hope I have not scared or upset u. But I know a few things only because of my own experience. And I could be wrong.It could just be that you are that close to her that you keep dreaming of her. Depends what happens in the dreams. But if you want to know more, let me know.

  4. The way i would see it is black is the color of death and trees and nature insinuates life. It culd mean that even thou she was dying, she was a person who had life and was showing you there was life still out there for you. Despite the fact she was dying, she was showing you that there is a life out there for u to live.

  5. Honestly, i think it means that even though she isn't with you anymore she will still be watching over you and caring and protecting you. BTW i am sorry for your loss.

  6. It sounds like you may have an issue with her being buried under the ground. You want to think of her as still on earth with you.  She is in your heart forever. It could be just a bunch of mixed up thoughts that just have a way of getting jumbled up in dreams. Not all dreams have to have a meaning.

  7. dont get depressed she's with u all the time and she's happy for you for being strong and she wants u to be the best u can be. you will see her again.

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