
So - NATO fights or shuts up - which is it going to be ?

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NATO can't do anything to Russia

Can't stop their European members from buying Russian gas -

Can't punish Russia economically

Can't do much else either

Oh yes they can stop having them over for meetings and they can stop inviting them to war games military patrols and so forth but that in the scheme of things is nothing

Isolate them - not an option - they have plenty of friends Cuba Venezuela Iran and every and any other nation recently threatened by the US or just anti US ---- and that list grows bigger with every speech Bush gives

Pro Russian nations like China - are America's loan agent - the Chinese have a lot more in common with Russia than the US including a need to protect Iran's oil from US and Israeli bombs

China buys a lot of oil from Iran and Iran lets them pay in Yuans -


So either NATO fights - or resigns itself to an utter loss apart from a sternly written letter and taking them off the Christmas card list


Well ?

World war 3 or admit that Russia really has won in this dispute over South Ossetia




  1. well the Bible states that russia and iran will attack isreal, so somehow somethings gonna happen to set that off.

    i truely believe WW3 is closer than you think

    especially with this russia event going on now and its deals with iran

  2. In a case of War with Russia NATO is too divided and they would refuse to go to war, despite US, UK pressure Having lived through World Wars 1 and 2, they wouldn't  be that .foolish

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