
So Obama says Iran is a great threat.What about the USA and Israel ain't it time they looked in the mirror?

by  |  earlier

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I am more scared of them these days ......just look at their record ....Palistine,Iraq and Afganistan +much much more like Vietnam and Columbia ...not one settled country yet lets go invade some one else ...Wouldnt have anything to do with oil by any chance ????MMM let me see




  1. When was the last time Iran attacked another nation, what about the U.S???

    need i say more

  2. Your question is incoherent.

  3. i think it is only a matter of time before a nuclear strike will be aimed at iran. the israeli's have just purchased three of the best nuclear subs money can buy as second strike defence, something is going to happen soon.

  4. Obahma has said this bcause he knows in American eyes his liberalism will cost him the election.  This a comment to capture votes - nothing more.

  5. Let's see...

    1. Iran sponsors terrorism against U.S. forces in Iraq

    2. Iran sponsors terrorism against Israel

    3. Iran has openly threatened Israel

    4. Iran is ruled by religious theocratic government

    5. Iran is working to build a nuclear bomb( even France understands that Iran is building it)

    The list goes on and on....

    I agree with president Bush when he said that Iran is dangreous.

    Israel has no choice, but to defend itself. If it did nothing throughout all these years, it would have been destroyed long ago. Palestinian terrorists are aiming their weapons primiarily at Israel civilians.

    Oil? I don't know if Afghanistan has oil. I heard they grow good weed down there, but no oil.

  6. yes Israel would be a pile of dust without American backup

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