
So Palin wants to teach Creationism in the science room...?

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... there's only one problem. absolutely NO scientific evidence. how would one teach a subject on science with no facts to back it up??




  1. Man I am so d**n tired of this ages breed of Atheist! All of you....and I do mean all of you think you know what is best....arrogance to say the least.

    Teaching Intelligent Design as a theory is not a problem at all, and I mean at all. All possibilities should be taught end of story any good scientist knows and studies all angles of any given story. Evolution has its own flaws that people neglect to bring up.  

  2. Beats me.  But frankly, the chance of her ever getting within one heart-beat of the White House scares me silly.

    Please, people: face the fact that the Republicans have gone way too far, and vote for Obama and Biden instead.

  3. Actually she just thinks it should be part of the discussion and its not a federal issue anyways so it wouldnt really have an impact on her job as VP so who cares.

    Its a non issue

    hmmm should I vote on the creation issue or the issue of taxes, immigration, foreign policy and judges????

    I think I choose the latter.


    I love it

    Whenever you say you support McCain in here you get a ton of thumbs down

    Liberals better never claim they are the ones that are more accepting of other peoples views in here after this election, lol lol lol

  4. E=mc2 look it up

    for you're scientific evidence

  5. It makes me borderline crazy to think that one day my kids may have to learn about the bible from someone other than me...

    I mean, separation of church and state is there for a reason. Why do Creationists have such a problem respecting that?

  6. It doesn't belong in science class anymore than astronomy belongs in home ec.  It's just stupid.

  7. I can't believe that there are places that are still doing this and that there are still people who think it's okay. There is absolutely no evidence that creationism is how we all got here. And you're going to get a lot of people saying "read the bible," "God is all knowing and all powerful," blah blah blah... like the Bible has any scientific evidence in it. It's full of horrible inaccuracies, myths borrowed from other religions, sexism, racism, etc. I feel ashamed that people still think that it compares to evolution.

  8. There is::it's called the Bible. You should read it sometime, might so ya good.

  9. I agree with the science part...but I think creationism should be taught,.since evolution is.

    Plus, there's no evidence for evolution...just the stupidity of the human brain.

  10. You are right - thats why the Federal Court told the Kansas City School Board that Intelligent Design is not science.  

  11. But whose creationism?

    I'd support this wholeheartedly if we taught everybody's creationist ideas-  from Native American to African to Asian to Celtic and Norse . . but not ONLY Christian.

    I somehow doubt that Palin even wants to teach the Inuit story of creation that her husband's heritage holds to!

    I am appalled to hear that she supports aerial killing of wolves.  What kind of person who supposedly values "creation" would advocate for this as well as a policy of continued reliance on petrol while her own coastline suffers under the ravages of climate change?

  12. The evidence for creationism would not fill an infinitely small thimble.


  13. Muck FcCain.

    Most proponents of ID edjumacation are trying to get it into classrooms in small doses, starting by saying that evolutionary theory has unexplainable holes and presenting ID as a possible, viable alternative (which it is not since claiming that there was a designer is in itself unfalsifiable; a pseudoscience).

  14. Isn't there some medical grounds or something to bar the mentally unsound from such roles?

    If believing YEC stupidity doesn't count then really, what does?

  15. There are a number of other reasons that Sarah Palin is a horrible choice for VP.


    Found this list of  information from another source, but it seems to ring true for her:

    -She promotes the drilling of oil in Alaska, an issue in which McCain had recently expressed opposition to.

    -Has desires to open the Arctic National Wildlife refuge to such drilling.

    -Is a strong believer that global warming is NOT caused by man.

    -Has recently sued the Department of the Interior, opposing the placement of the Polar Bear on the endangered species list.

    -Supports aerial wolf-hunting as part of a "predator control program" - really an attempt to increase numbers of caribou and moose for other sport hunters like herself!

    -Is actually offering cash payments for every wolf killed by an aerial gunner.


    My vote wouldn't go to McCain anyway.

  16. There are hundreds of scientific facts that deny evolution and support creationism and intelligent design. People need to read more creationist material and stop allowing themselves to be brainwashed by the public schools. Do you have any idea how they choose textbooks for schools? The ones that you read and "learn" from? It's a coin toss, not based on any objectivism, and different brands of science textbooks contain different percentages of evolution content. It's based on whichever publisher does the best job of selling his book to the textbook committee,

  17. The only reason I don't call myself a Republican is for the religious BS (i'm an atheist). I often wonder if the only reason other atheists are for Obama is for the religious reasons. That's a stupid reason to vote for a candidate. Just my opinion. Thumbs down ahoy....

    edit - cadisney is on fire. What she said.. lol ^^

    edit - I hear ya, man, I really do. I'm a registered Libertarian, and neither are my choice candidates. Weighing the options, I still find McCain less threatening. Abortion rights will remain intact in spite of an uber-conservative VP. She is scary though.... Eek. I'm sleeping with the night light on tonight...

  18. Creationism is not science, it is in the same 'room' as mythology, no matter if people believe their own stories and not the others, or not. And mythology is not science. Mythology belongs in literary and philosophical discussions.

  19. Oh god I hope the republicans don't win. McCain will drop dead and then chaos will reign.

  20. there is no scientific evidence for evolution.

  21. People fail to realize what a Scientific Theory actually is:

    As used in science, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena. Before a theory is given any credence in the scientific community, it must be subjected to "peer review." This means that the proposed theory must be published in a legitimate scientific journal in order to provide the opportunity for other scientists to evaluate the relevant factual information and attempt to duplicate any experimental procedures involved.

    Creationists refuse to subject their "theories" to peer reviews, because they know they don't fit the facts. The creationist mindset is distorted by the concept of "good science" (creationism) vs. "bad science" (anything not in agreement with creationism). Creation "scientists" are biblical fundamentalists who can not accept anything contrary to their sectarian religious beliefs.

    Creationism is NOT a theory


    if McShame...I mean McCain wins, Canada, here I come!

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