
So Prince Harry has followed in his fathers foot steps and served on the front line with his fellow man?

by  |  earlier

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James Hewitt must be so proud.




  1. How much real action do you think he actually saw?

  2. OK, a variation of this question gets asked several times a week and it's getting a bit boring! Harry has the "Spencer" look and he is most certainly the son of Prince Charles.

    Sorry, but there has been a large amount of Harry bashing in the past few days. Much of it has been mean spirited and it would be nice to give him a break......he's earned it!

    best of luck to you!

  3. Front Line ???

    Back Row !!!!

    One for the Family Album

    For all the dissenters

    Scroll down a little and You can see them both at the same age


    Some can't hack the Truth It seems

    What next ......Come on !!!!

  4. Yeah

  5. actually his father NEVER served on the front line

  6. I think we should all be proud that he chose to go & not take the easy route & get his family to intervene & stop him.

    He was slated for NOT going to Iraq & now the same is happening because he HAS gone to Afghanistan. The poor guy can't catch a break, can he?

    I am not a royalty fan nor in favour of this war but I have to admit that I am proud of him & all our armed forces deployed at this time. Personally, I don't care who his father is or isn't, although i have to say that I am sure that Charles is.

  7. I take it you never served your country, huh?

  8. Oh, that was below the belt!!!

  9. yup..

  10. LOL - good job treason isn't a hanging offence these days!

  11. lol

  12. How about you serving your country? Your father would be proud of you . jack rabbit

  13. I think its great.

  14. Every heard the old saying?....... "if you've nothing good to say about someone, keep your mouth shut?"

    Your mother must be so proud of you!!!

  15. YEP and they are moving him back to the UK. A.S.A.P!

    2 bad he is not getting what he really wants is to meet

    the enemy in battle on the front... I have nothing but RESPECT for the KID.. He wants to serve and be in the mix.

      His problem is that his family is still pulling the strings

    and protecting him.  2 bad for him he is one of the FEW

    True Leaders in our world right now!!!!  He is better than

    our last  2 presidents. Both of them USED their parents to

    get out of Vietnam! They have no concept of Honor or

    The realitys of leadership as this Man dose.

    If prince Harry was to Run 4 Prez. in America I would vote 4 him. May he blessed with what he has comming to him in his life. He is or should be the Next King of the UK..

    as far as I see it.

  16. Yawn.

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