
So Republicans, What's the Difference Between W. Bush and McCain?

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Don't Tell Me It's About the Economy Because They Both Supported Tax Cuts, 75% of which Benfited the richest 1%, on Corporations, Capital Gains, Estates and Investment Dividends. These Failed Trickle Down Economics resulted in Soaring Unemployment, Inflation, Foreclosures, Trade Deficits and Falling Value in the Dollar and Home Values.

Foreign Policy: They both Supported Hundreds of Billions For Invasions and Occupations in the Middle East and Trillions for Defense Manufacturers and Hundreds of Military Bases Around the Globe.

How is McCain NOT McSame?

Why Would Anyone, besides the Wealthiest 1%, Continue this Madness?




  1. 97 of the time to the poster above me?

    you do know that the congress needs to have a certain amount of votes inorder to have things passed...each time it was the republican side holding it all up with their paristan votes...oh and mccains no shows

    at least learn how congress works before you open your mouth


  3. i don't understand  your question about George W. McCain

  4. Mccain is about to die and he can't lift his arms above his head.

  5. McCain is closer to death.

  6. wats the differance between Obama and this do nothing congress? he voted with them 97% of the time

  7. McCain/Palin willing to use the Veto. They will also be able to communicate the reasons.

  8. nothing, they are both the same..they are trying to fool people with electing palin for VP (honestly what does this woman know) and bush distancing himself from this election to hide the fact that agenda has not changed.

  9. palin will be running the show behind the scenes.  she is the one to watch, not him.

  10. About the same as the difference between Obama and Carter.Except Obama has less experience and is much further left.We did this only a generation ago.An unpopular war,an embattled president,an active youth movement.End result?Jimmy Carter.A man who destroyed America and was tossed on his ear after one term.The same will happen now

  11. none they are same

  12. dubya is entertaining to watch. mccain is rather bland

  13. One is taller than the other.

  14. none... both have VPs that give good bjs.

  15. Well McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time so I guess there is a 10% difference between them, but McCain is more experienced and older, and Cindy is hotter than Laura so I'll give him some points for that. So that would make them about 87% the same and it leaves them at 13% DIFFERENCE!

  16. I don't know, maybe Laura  seems nicer even if it is the vino talking...

    edit: I am sorry...I really am. I am close to retirement and unfortunately will live to see it stolen by these crooks. I have read the "presidential statements" that can potentially "take" my Union pension and Social security that I have always thought were safe. I  wish I was able to just leave and go back to South America where i spent a couple years when i was a kid but I did not make a bundle to let me do this. I am now relying on my Pension and Social security and the Bush Regime may have stolen it by their borrowing against the value of the dollar. I will probably hate all young people that were too busy to vote or pay attention. Oh well...

  17. Bush is an idiot.

    McCain is just senile.

  18. Check these out...

    McCain Losing His Cool

    Complaints from Vets

    Complaint Against McCain

    McCain in contradict

    Vietnam Veterans Organization


  19. No diff, McCain put the female out in front as bait for all those ignorant enough to fall for it..... and more of Bush policies.  It's just like how Bush replaced a black judge that retired from the Supreme Court with another black judge and figured the black population would be pleased.  That judge was Clarence Thomas.  

  20. 1st, what makes them The Same is,  They are  Both  BABBLING  IDIOTS. !!  What makes Them  A LITTLE Different is:  Herr Busche is a MEMBER of The SKULL and BONES SOCIETY  and McLame is Just a "Special Treatment"  ex-POW,  who SOLD OUT  his Fellow Military Men...

  21. You know who's part of that wealthiest 1%? Businesses.

    Where do you buy your food, clothes and gasoline? Businesses.

    Do businesses pay tax? No, they pass it on to the customers. The last thing we need are more taxes from Obama.

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