
So SAD!!!!!!! PLEASE help!!!?

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My cousin just found out her daughter has a tumor the size of a orange growing inside her head.............its to late to do anything, the tumor has grown into her brain tissue............and they give her 2 months to a year to live..............but she wants to put her on kimo therapy just to see if it she's going to be sick for the rest of the time she's alive.

My question is

Do you think my cousin should put her on kimo therapy and spend the rest of her time at the hospital......... or do you think she should just let her daughter live the rest of her time happy and at home and not in the hospital?

Her daughter was fine and healthy ever since she was born.........until 3 weeks ago when all of a sudden she as walking funny, couldn't talk right and vision messed up...........she goes the hospital and the doctor tells her, her daughters only as a few months to live.........this happened all of a sudden with no signs.




  1. This is one of those unanswerable, no right or wrong questions. If your cousin's daughter is old enough to decide for herself, I would say to leave the decision up to her to do what she feels is right. Otherwise, it's up to your cousin to decide what she feels is best for her daughter.

  2. i would go to another docter and see what they say and if its the same then i would ask how much more time to liive the treatment would give me and if it is not more then a year then i wold not do anything and live my life  

  3. i'm so sorry...that decision is really up to your cousin and if there is a small chance of her getting better...i feel your pain and i understand

  4. Im so sorry.

    Dont get involved with your opinons.

    Leave it up to your cousin because if you do tell her what you think and she does what you say and then something terrible happens to her daughter, in her grief your cousin may blame you.

    Just support the decision your cousin makes. Help her to make the last few months of her daughters life memorable and fun, with or without the chemo.

    Best wishes.

  5. I am really really really sorry to hear this.  Well, since there is nothing they can do about the tumour, i would let her live the rest of her life to the fullest.  Again, i am soo sorry to hear this.  I wish you the best of luck and all my blessings for your cousins daughter and family.  But keep trying to get help, because a miracle can still happen!

  6. First of all, I might get a 2nd opinion if I was her.  How old is the daughter, you didn't say.  Can she not make her own decisions as to what she wants to do?  Never, ever give up hope.  I've known several people who were diagnosed and told "you only have x amount of months to live.".....and they're still around!

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