
So Scared..... Help Please.?

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My parents are talking about going to France next year. I will be fifteen then, nealry 16, and it will be my first flight. I hear about all of these crashes etc and it has really put me off. What's it like? Are you allowed an iPod/Phone on there? Does it make you feel ill?




  1. Don't worry.  Flying is very safe and you are much more likely to have an accident in a car or crossing the road than a plane.  Anyway, if you are in the UK you could go by Ferry and then you don'thave to fly but I think you would be missing out.  Which crashes have you heard about - I don't recall hearing about any plane crashes for absolutely ages - they are not exactly common are they?  Most people don't feel ill when they fly and whilst you are not allowed to use mobiles you can use your ipod.

  2. You have nothing to worry about,I pod yes,Phone switched off during the flight.If you can travel in a car without feeling sick,You will be ok in a plane,Relax and enjoy the experience.

  3. Its safer to fly than any other transport.  Suck a sweet on take off and landing or keep yawning to pop your ears - similar to going over a bridge or up a hill.  You can use your ipod but phones need to be switched off for the duration of the flight.  France is only about an hour so by the time you have got up to cruising height, it will be time to come down again.  I doubt you will feel ill but you can get accupressure bracelets from chemists for sickness - maybe worth investing in some before you go and wearing incase.  I worked with a couple of girls who had sea sickness - one had some on a trip and felt fine - the other went green (although wasnt sick). coming back she had managed to buy some and was fine, so they do work.  Have fun - flying is great and you will enjoy the new country.

  4. There is nothing bad about flying at all! You have less of a chance of being in a plane crash than being struck by lightning and to France it is a really quick flight. On most airlines you can use an ipod and stuff like that, usually not a phone but some airlines are starting to let you.  

  5. I dont think you'll fly to france will you? As soon as your up in the air you'll be coming down to land again. Dont worry its perfectly safe and yes you can have ipods,laptop etc. Relax and enjoy!

  6. Plane crashes are very, very rare. It's safer to fly in an aeroplane than to go in a car. All these films and programmes with plane crashes are only so popular because it would be scary, not because it happens a lot.

  7. hello, don't worry i have been on a plane several times further than France. It is not very long. They do let you take mobile phones ipods etc. but you have to switch it off when you take off and land. It is great fun. Everyone thinks the worse that can happen. It does not make you feel ill but the best thing is to take sweets for the landing as your ears can pop lol. Its one of the best things especially when you are taking off-its fast and funny:P Dont worry you will be just fine :D Good luck

  8. I have flown over 40 times on everything ffrom 737's to helicopters to single engine planes over huge mountain ranges. There have been a few rough moments, but never any real problems.

    I know that flying is safer than any other form of travel, but that's statistics. Everytime I fly I can't help but imagine what it would be like if the plane just started to plummet towards earth or the wing got ripped off or the engines caught on fire. What would the last 60-120 seconds of my life be like? In a metal tube full of strangers screaming "We'll all going to DIE!". Well, tell me something I don't know, I just saw the wing snap off, so I'm pretty sure we'll all dead. Can't we all just hold hands and sing Kumbya or something like that? Don't worry, hitting the ground or water at 700 or 800 hundred miles an hour is sure to kill you instantly... Unless the plane is on fire and you get roasted before you hit the ground or blow-up in mid-air. I always worry more about the emergency exit door popping off in flight and get sucked out the plane to fall 33,000 feet to my death (it has happened before). How long would that take anayways? I would have a heck of a great view and plenty of time to think on the way down. Cool huh?

    Oh wait, you wanted me to reassure you it's safe to fly? Oh, OK. It's safe to fly. You heard it on Yahoo! Answers, so it must be true.

    Have a good flight!

  9. It's exactly because there are so few crashes that you hear about them all! Imagine if every car crash was reported on.. the news would be permanently on.

    I hate flying - always have - but I still went to Australia from the UK (24 hour flight), because the being there is worth a few hours of terror. Just take lots of stuff to do. An ipod is ok to take, but you'll have to turn your phone off. I wouldn't say it makes you feel ill - the take off and landing are actually quite exhilarating! You will honestly be fine, and you'll have such a nice time being somewhere different.

  10. Statistically it is safer than walking, driving, boats or any other know what they say about statistics though! At least it's only France so you will not be in the "aeroplane of certain death" for too long. Have you thought about buying a parachute? I usually take a pistol too, I worry about the staff going mental and trying to crash on purpose. One day I might have to off them all and then heroically fly the plane and passengers to safety. Hopefully we will get the same flight to France next year!

  11. "All these crashes"?  Crashes are practically unknown on commercial aircraft.  At any given moment, 24 hours a day, there are tens of thousands of aircraft in the air and flying, and yet crashes are so rare that one hears about them only a few times per year, worldwide.  You're much more likely to be run over by a car in France than you are to die in a plane crash.  Do you worry as much about being run over by a car?

    Air travel today tends to be tiring and not always very comfortable, but people put up with it because it's so fast.  If you're willing to sit in a seat and fight off boredom for a couple of hours, you can be in France—every other form of transportation would take days to get there.

    You can bring your iPod, and an iPhone should be okay as long as you don't try to use the phone function.  There are usually movies to watch and music you can listen to, as well as things to eat.  You can get up and walk around a bit, but there isn't really any place to go except up and down the aisles.

    About one passenger in a thousand gets motion sickness, but motion sickness on airplanes is much less common than motion sickness in cars, buses, or boats.  Your ears may make popping sounds as the airplane climbs and descends.  That's about it.

    It would be insincere to claim that flying is fun (except for take-off and landing, which are pretty cool), but it's tolerable, like any other trip, and the destination is usually worth the trouble.

  12. Statistically you are more likly to get hit by lighting, or killed by beans than be involved with an air crash, do you know anyone who has died of these circumstances. I've flown gazzillions of times and the worst i have had was a very bumpy landing in cyrus. You can take an Ipod on board with you and use it. You can use your phone if it has a in flight feature, and you cannot use any connectivity. (texting, phoning, internet, bluetooth etc) The cabin crew or check in persons will be happy to help. Some people find flying enjoyable (me - love doing aerobatics in a tutor) and others hate it. If you suffere from extreme motion sickness then you will likly be ill. If not, chances you will be fine. Don't worry about any noises, they are normal. If something is wrong you wil know about it, it will be obvious. If your sat there thinking, is that normal or not then it is normal. If you encounter turbalence it is normal, if it is bad, unlucky - u have to keep your seat belt on. Planes are safe. Very safe. Dw, relax and enjoy france. Je adore france, c'est magnifique.

  13. Aviation is by far the safest form of transport. you're more likely to be killed on your way to the airport then in a plane crash.

    yes you are allowed to bring an iPod and phone

  14. I am the worlds worst flyer it doesn't make you feel ill and I am assured it is the safest way to travel. There are more car crashes than air crashes so there is nothing to worry about.  

  15. Plane crashes are very rare. You are more likely to crash in a car than a plane. And yes you can take phines and ipods on with you. It doesnt make you feel ill but your ears may pop when the plane takes off, try sucking a boiled sweet, it helps :)

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