
So Sore ! Help !?

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ran 2 miles today and yesturday, my legs are killinggg me, i cant even like walkk.

What should i dooo ?




  1. Well, I'm on the XC team, so it's about 2-3 minimum everyday.

    After we run, we alway get ice and rub it against our legs.

    And ice baths if we're  really sore.

    We fill a bathtub up with water, and drop a lot of ice into it. Get in before the ice is in, because trust me;

    Sitting down on 35 degree water will make you yelp like a little baby.

    After that, I take a warm shower and just rest!

    Ice is one of the best things you can do for your sore legs.

    And then, warm baths with salt is always a great option too..

    But cold is better and cheaper :3 And the warm shower feels fantastic after freezing.

  2. Soak in a warm bath with Epsom Salt.

  3. make sure you stretch your legs before and after you run...

    some stretches to try are:

    Calf stretch- place one foot on top of other and push to tighten calf muscle

    Ham stretch- hold onto your ankle and bring to your butt

    Also try to do highknees after you are warmed up this always helps my legs not hurt as much after running... good luck!!


  4. rest
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