
So Summerslam is getting mixed reactions here...but can we all agree that...Q inside?

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Can we all agree that the Cell match was the match of the night?

...and it was an excellent match.

People have said it wasn't up to what Foley did...nobody is going to do what Foley did. Edge was not going to get thrown off the cage. He takes sick bumps, but not what Foley does.

Nothing is going to live up to that one..but this one was an excellent Cell match in its own right.

Yeah, I didn't like the PPV..but loved the Cell match.

Does everyone agree on the Cell match?




  1. Imma give you a h**l YEAH

    The match was really good

  2. yea and edgeheads are already complainin they think a lost to taker goin to uin edge's carerre edge is talented and well be in the wwe more years than taker cause hes younger there is a lot in store for edge

  3. this match was better then Foleys    Foleys just did 2 spots  yea it was crazy but i rather watch this watch it was actually interesting not just just a squash  

  4. First of all hey NIQUE I am not complaining that Edge lost...Taker did a nice job with Edge building up Edge.  I was pointing out that what happened afterwards was stupid.  How many times do we have to watch Taker throw someone through the ring.  One person who answered my ? actually thought that was real!! You can see where the ring was set for it, it opened up like a trap door, and then gave Edge more than enough time to crawl away before the "flames of hellfire and brimstone'.  LAME!!!!

    To answer this ?, HIAC was one of the best matches I've seen in a was awesome to me.

  5. I liked the PPV (with the ECW match being the exception).  I thought all the matches were actually really good.  I was actually a little disappointed with the cell match.  Undertaker seemed (to me) to be underselling a lot of Edge's offense.  Also, it wasn't really back and forth.  It seemed to me that Edge dominated the first half or so of the match, then Undertaker dominated the second half.  I'm not saying it was a bad match by any means, but I think it could have been better than it was.  I won't even compare it to Mick Foley's cell matches, as he did things that nobody else has ever done.  Let's just say, I wouldn't put this one in the top 5 cell matches of all time.

  6. Well the PPV wasn't too bad although not the best, the 2 best matches were the h**l in the cell and the Batista vs John Cena... And then the intergender tag team and the MVP vs Hardy come in 2nd place...

    Though no doubt the h**l in the cell was the best match of the year!

  7. i agree the HIAC was AWESOME and it really stole the whole show

  8. I thought the HIAC was the best in the PPV but it wasn't what it was lived to

  9. Most definitely. The match that also could go down in running as the "match of the night" could be the Cena vs Batista match. It was actually a good match. I didn't expect the back and fourth action and the outcome kind of surprised me, because I thought Cena would win and Batista lose, but its the other way around ^_^  I thought the match was going to be way overrated, but it actually tuned out to be a fairly decent match :)

  10. all i want to know what happened

  11. Yes, it was the match of the night, but it wasn't excellent.  I had higher expectations.

  12. i thought the whole summerslam was awesome . i liked all the matches , the h**l in a cell made the paperview but the rest of the matches were good to.

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