
So THIS is why Arabs attack the US..?

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Even IF 9/11 was done by Arabs, then they're only a few, definitely not all of them. So do you feel sympathetic for these people/children?




  1. Honestly, no, no I don't.

  2. Yes. If any other country in the world behaved like Israel the US would be working out an excuse to invade. Instead the US arms them and backs them. The Israeli's really do have wmd, and really do threaten their neighbours, and generally have a despicable record in their short history.

    And before anyone throws the race card, you can criticise Israel without being anti-semitic. Most people don't actually know what anti-semitic means anyway, but that's another story.

  3. Oh please. Stop trying to turn things around. "We're mad at Israel so we attack the U.S."  

  4. i feel sympathetic that Bush is a moron. And that people actually believe his lies and that Iraq was the solution.

  5. not at all, not the way the israeli soldier wasn't hurting the child ? let s compare it a Palestinian who broke into an israeli condominium at random shot the father clubbed two children to death and killed the mother, seems like the Israelis treat the arabs too well

    ever noticed how arab parents let their children throw rocks at troops?

    bad parents

    if arabs were reasonable then there would not be a problem

  6. I'm pretty sure those kids that were throwing rocks lost a brother a father a friend. I would throw rocks i if i was them. Stupid American can only see one way the American way, but you can't see innocent people dieing and suffering and understand that if you were in there shoes what would you do how would you feel, because in America we have it so easy. We don't have that fear of being shoot at it, but yet we talk about the war and how awful it is for the Americans because there dieing, when they have innocent children, moms dads, uncles baby's dieing. Every day. Just because they were born in the wrong country? How do you know they support there country? How do you know they don't support the U.S its all propaganda! Who ever doesn't feel sorry for the innocent children being killed are just self-less pigs. They didn't ask to be born there. They didn't ask for any of this, but yet more then 25% of them will grow up knowing how it feels like to grow up with out a mom and dad. Oh and some of you guys will say so what i grew up with out a dad a father. You had effin social service! Do you even know how it feels like to see someone you love get murder or die right in front of you, and then being all alone. They are living in a 3rd world country where they are lucky if they have a wooden roof over there head. Where they are lucky if they have good healthy food. Where the sun is over 100 degrees over there no fan no air conditioning, and yet we American still complain.

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