
So They are going to Evacuate the jets on base for the storm...?

by Guest64505  |  earlier

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do you think that they will evacuate us?? Were already out of gas here on base. And most places around town. Were on Eglin AFB. I know were east of the Hurricane projected path but its a monster...




  1. well it seems that Gustav is steering more towards Louisiana than anything. I doubt Eglin will be evacuated, due to the distance it is from the core of the storm. You could get some rain and wind, but right now, it loos doubtful that it would be cost effective to evacuate.

    I understand your worries though, I study weather in mobile, and I grew up near Robins AFB, GA. so I could see how it would effect ya'll at Eglin.

    NOTE: if told to evacuate, do so ASAP.

  2. ANT USCG and Marine Safety  USCG is evac'd.

    If ya'll are outta gas, I'm going to say b.s.

    Stations are the last to be out of gas

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