
So This Really Upset Me Today...But I Want To Know If It Is Only My Pregnancy Hormones (lol)...????

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I went for a walk to pick up my beloved God-Daughter (5yo) today from Primary School Today.

I got there and waited and all the other parents were there. There was a woman going around giving the other parents invitations to her son's birthday party, who is in her class.

I didn't worry, as she probably didn't know me. I am not from the area (only staying with family, because it's close to hospital).

My God-daughter came out, and we had a play on the playground. Which was right next to the class.

A woman said to her, "What about *My God-Daughter*??"

She said, "Like I would invite that!!"

I heard this and so did my G-D. She isn't a bad kids. In fact very friendly, and has many friends in her class, including that woman's son.

I really wanted to slap her! But restrained. I did however point out what she could do with that invitation. :)

But would that annoy you???

I am really upset over that, but I do love my GD.




  1. Yes, it annoys me to no end when parents or kids bring invitations to school and pass them out to just certain kids.  Many schools forbid this and say that if the invitations are passed out at school it has to be all or none.  If the parents don't like that rule, they have to mail the invitations.  This is why so many kids grow up so mean... they learn from their parents that it doesn't matter if you hurt someone elses's feelings as long as you get your own way!  The same thing happened to my daughter once... the mom was passing out invitations after school and handed one to kids standing right beside my daughter, but skipped her!  She was crushed.  How do you explain this to a child?  I just don't get those kind of people!

  2. well whoever the women was was an idiot. try to just ignore it, a women who speaks like that to a child is disgusting. try and ignore her na dit isnt just your pregnancy hormones lol.  too speak that way to a 5 year old is disgusting, in facty if some1 spoke that way 2 my 5 year old i wouldnt want my 5 year old to even go near that womens sons party.

  3. It would do more than just annoy me.  By excluding a child of that age, she is just showing how childish she is herself.  She should be setting example for her kids.  People like her are the kind of people who cause school shootings, being rude and mean to people only begets meanness in return.

    I hate people like that.  Mean people suck!!!!

    You should invite the other parents to a "get to know you better"  thing, except don't invite the Bully.  Then make sure she hears you telling someone, "like I would invite that?" referring to her.  Then have a little party for all the nice people.  Go to the park or sit around and play  board games.  

    Maybe when she realizes what she's been doing she might chill a little.

    If your GD heard her and is upset, you might want to call the school and set up a meeting with a counselor and the other parent.  That will teach your GD how to deal with bullies.  And confronting the Bully about her behavior is a good idea.  She has probably been a bully her whole life, and few people really stand up to bullies, especially as adults.  Besides, I'm the school would be interested to know that an adult treated a kid like that on school grounds.  It's called verbal harassment.

  4. Regardless, I would have ***** slapped nasty :(

    That has made me so mad and im not even hormonal..LOL

  5. yes,,, that so annoying your right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what kind of a parent would do that?,, sounds like a nasty ******, lucky your gd isnt going anyway

    and imsure u told her ,,,lol xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. It ain`t horomones hon, she really needed that "slap"lol.

  7. No it's not your hormones darl. That was just plain nasty. I live in a country town and there are the odd parents like that, although not the norm. Usually all the kids in the class get an invite regardless of whether the parents get along. It is, after all, about the kids. How dare that cow speak about and in earshot of any child like that. I hope you helped her shove that invitation just where it fits. Wait on, maybe it's too tight.

  8. the women sounds like a *****!!!!! your go daughter is probably better off not being invited!!!!!!!

  9. you know what people like that are not worth the time of day I feel bad for that child having to grow up that way.

  10. Yes I would have been upset.  That woman obviously has no class if she would ever speak about a child like that....especially when she was in ear-shot.  I would imagine the other moms were shocked by what she said also.

  11. Yes that would have upset me ALOT i dont kow if i would have been able to restrain myself like you  did thoughi WOULD have slapped her!!! Its not even my god daughter, i don't even know her and that broke my heart so its definately not your hormones. Did you tell her mother??

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