I went for a walk to pick up my beloved God-Daughter (5yo) today from Primary School Today.
I got there and waited and all the other parents were there. There was a woman going around giving the other parents invitations to her son's birthday party, who is in her class.
I didn't worry, as she probably didn't know me. I am not from the area (only staying with family, because it's close to hospital).
My God-daughter came out, and we had a play on the playground. Which was right next to the class.
A woman said to her, "What about *My God-Daughter*??"
She said, "Like I would invite that!!"
I heard this and so did my G-D. She isn't a bad kids. In fact very friendly, and has many friends in her class, including that woman's son.
I really wanted to slap her! But restrained. I did however point out what she could do with that invitation. :)
But would that annoy you???
I am really upset over that, but I do love my GD.