
So .. What could i do about this?

by  |  earlier

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Well here goes my life story lol!

Iv just turned 17 in August and well iv never had a boyfriend. yeah yeah sad init? Anyway iv never been kissed, hugged, held hands nothing.

I have no confidence at all, when i talk to people i get embarassed and i hate it!! i dont know why im like this. How do i gain confidence? Iv tried everything! I dont go out at all, i stay in all day everyday. I used 2 have friends but when we left school a year ago i stopped going out with them because they all had boyfriends and i felt so left out so now iv lost all my friends. I have none at all so i cant go out because id be by myself. The only time i go out is when i go to see my dad and thats about it. My moms friends ask me why havent i got a boyfriend and my mom is like .. she dont go out to meet any so she will never have one and they just laugh and ask me how old i am and i feel so shamed saying 17 and never had a boyfriend. But my mom dont realise that i cant go out because i have no friends. People say the right boy will come one day when you least expect it but that aint true. And even if i did meet a boy i would be embarased because i dont know how 2 kiss and how would i tell him? He would prob just laugh and take the p!ss like everyone else does. In my school people used 2 be mean 2 me because iv never been kissed and never had a boyfriend. Everyone round here is mean. My fear is telling the boy that i dont know how 2 kiss and that im a virgin because its embarassin and they would be mean about it. Yes they would, you dont know what there like around here. Some people would say .. i was exactly the same as you when i was your age but you will meet someone one day, but no i wont.

Grr my life is so ****** up aint it? im a freak aint i? I just want a boyfriend who is not just after one thing and wouldnt be mean about me not having a boyfriend before. ermm soo what could i do?

sorry about my punctation :|




  1. move to a town where people are nicer....jeese!

  2. Things can change in college.

  3. i would never make fun of you...if you gave me a chance i would love to teach you how to do all those things ;)

  4. Kissing is easy to learn.  But, your going to have to push yourself in your situation.  You don;t have to tell him anything until you feel ready.  Start simple, a meal, a movie, the beach, bowling etc.  It can even be with a group to reduce the pressure.  Take it slow and easy.  If your should decide you will like to accept a kiss then relax.  Let it happen and just follow his lead (hopefully he knows how to kiss).  You are making this far to complicated for yourself.  There are good guys out there, be patient.  Have fun.

  5. Well, I didn't get my first kiss until I was 16, and it really didn't bother me. After I had kissed the guy, who I was dating at the time, I told him he was my first and made sure that I wasn't completely terrible haha he let me know that hes been the first kiss of 3 girls and has thought of the 3 of them as his best kisses. You really shouldn't worry about that, its in our human nature to kiss :) If you want to exude confidence, go out and splurge on a nice haircut that compliments you, make-up from a counter at Macy's or Nordstrom's where they can teach you how to apply it, and a gorgeous outfit that makes you feel smoking hot!! You'd be surprised how much a make-over can alter how you feel inside.

    Good Luck Chelsea!!!

  6. Well you first have to realize that guysk they want s* is the final destination of where we want to go at that any guy you DO get?...they are going to want it.It is just the way it is and any guy that says he don't is a liar. Even if they say "oh I don't want to rush you blah blah blah ..." h**l yes they do....

  7. I can't believe in this day in age people would make fun of you for being a virgin, what is the world coming to. When i was in high school we made fun of s***s, anyway, I'm 24 and ive dated a lot of girls, and yes girls like the fact that ive had prior experience because they dont want someone who doesn't know he's doin. But i hope u just dont wanna boyfriend because people tease you about it, you should get one when your good and ready. Some people are late bloomers. And to bloom, you need sunshine, which means you gotta leave your house more. Take up a hobby, build and find friends who share your simialr interests. this will make you feel better, and once your friends build your confidence chase a boy, they don't always have to find you, waiting is for suckers! Life is too short to wait. Make things happen. There is someone for everyone, it might not last forever, but you'll plenty more, i promise.

  8. The best thing to do is don't fret about it. I know that you think that waiting for someone to come will be like waiting forever, but sometimes that is how things are. You shouldn't be ashamed about never having a boyfriend at that age. I don't have one and I am also 17, my friends don't have one either. They all say that now is not the right time and that they aren't ready for it. You know how they are, they are those preppy types. Well, don't be embarrassed because this will happen to you. For now, think positive and stop thinking negative. Trust me, you will find a boy who likes you for you and not like you just to get something. Good luck and ignore those rude remarks. They are so mean.

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