
So What is it that makes American tourists stand out in italy??

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besides the way we do you know?? =D




  1. Loro sono non simpatica.  E pigro.

  2. Maybe their Hawaiian shirts

  3. The way we dress, how hurried we are, the fact that we likely have cameras flashing in every direction! ;)  Generally Italians move at a more leisurely pace then we do.  Tourists are rushing around trying to get from place to place.

  4. Because we don't know a d**n thing about anything else outside of U.S., sadly.

  5. Their unmistakable accent and f***y packs.

  6. The way you look at everything with enthusiasm, the fact that you find the most normal things surprising and the fact that you know our history and art better than we do!

    Also, the fact that you leave huge unnecessary tips in restaurants :-)

  7. My Italian friend said that he could tell the difference betweeen American and tourists of other countries by the way they talk and the way they act.  The american tourists talk and laugh louder in a group than the european, and american wear more casaul than the european tourists who are more trendy.

  8. It must be that we wear socks with our sandals :-)

  9. Our obvious superiority.

  10. Americans tend to wear brighter colors and don't dress up as much as Europeans do.

  11. um i was in a super market and to get out you have to walk through the  checkout somehow... so i looked at the enterance and simply pushed my way through the little bars and door while the emergency alarm was going off. hilarious right now but it sucked when they were all yelling at me in Italian.

    oh and when you keep staring at the naked people on the beach.

    walk around with a camera around your neck and farmers tan.

    try to go to a store during ciesta.

    hawaiin tshirts...

  12. if you want to stand out in Italy wear tennis

    that is how they know that you are a tourist

    Italians wear tennis only wen they go jogging

    the are sophisticated and classy

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