
So......Why do we yawn?

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I remember someone telling me this once before but I can't remember the reason why.

Please don't send me links to websites, I don't have the patience to read them haha.




  1. Couture x. It happens when our body gets tired.

  2. That's a very good question.

    I think it has something to do with the brain.


  3. is someone bored??? o.O

  4. it is still a mystery of why we yawn, but it seems to be related to being bored, sleepiness, and being hungry.

  5. Why do we yawn? Basically it is a signal/reaction from our brain to our body to tell us that we are tired. It is one of  our natural body signal to indicate that we are actually tired and need rest. We also yawn because lack of oxygen. Yawning indicate our body need more oxygen to function properly. Hope that will help.

  6. Scientist are still trying to figure out why, I think the term was metaphysical, when someone yawns you yawn.

    Partly mind games, you think about it and don't want it to happens but it does. ie. tell the baby not to spill their milk BOOM there it goes.

    Other theory if we are in larger populated areas ie. conference rooms there is more oxygen being consumed by the people so you yawn to try and intake more to get the proper amount.

    Theres all kinds of stuff out there good luck.

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