
So about that adam and eve?

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I always saw the story of adam and eve and a metaphor for the weakness of mankind...but some christians tell me it is to be taken literally. So what's up?




  1. I always thought it was similar to the Greco-Roman creation story as told in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Zeus creates humans out of dust from the ground and breathes life into them, there is a great flood that kills off many people, etc (I wish I could think of more parallels but there are a lot). It was probably a popular story that was being passed around in those days.

  2. Well as a good christian I always take everything I read in the bible as the complete and cosmic truth to do any less would actually require me to think for myself and that makes my head hurt :(

  3. It is literal and as to perhaps explain things ,,Eve was made from Adam's rib which is close to his heart so she could be a helpmate to him. They serve each other.

    He is to honor her and her him.  Besides that when God saw Adam in the Garden He thought to Himself "That man needs help!!" And He created Eve.

  4. Women aren't made to serve men, you shouldn't take everything too literally.

    I think the story meant that no matter what happens their love will keep them together.

  5. doood thank you...if God wanted to populate the earth he wouldn't have made it happen through incest.

    And like a few pages before he creates woman out of Adam's rib he speaks to Man and Woman and blesses them. These writers were terrible with continuity...Nickelodeon has better writers.

    So what's up? A really lame story that waaay too many people have taken seriously. Just like Dianetics.

  6. Literally because lineage is based on Adam and Eve and their offspring in the Bible.  The fall of man is mentioned throughout the Bible as well about Adam and Eve and that serpent.

  7. Didn't realize you ever had a "thought?"

  8. About the Rib thing first... did you ever think that it was his rib... taken out of his side, symbolic as men and women should stand side to side, without one dominating the other? A companionship? :)

    Okay... now...

    Adam and Eve were the first of God's children to come to earth. God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were created in God's image, with bodies of flesh and bones. While Adam and Eve were in the garden, they were still in God's presence and could have lived forever. They lived in innocence, and God provided for their needs.

    In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve their agency. He commanded them not to eat the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Obeying this commandment meant that they could remain in the garden, but they could not progress by experiencing opposition in mortality. They could not know joy because they could not experience sorrow and pain.

    Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and they chose to do so. This was part of God's plan. Because of this choice, they were cast from the garden and out of God's physical presence. This even is called the Fall. Separation from God's presence is spiritual death. Adam and Eve became mortal- subject to physical death, or separation of the body and apirit. They could now experience disease and all types of suffereing. They had moral agency or the ability to choose between good and evil. This made it possible for them to learn and progress. It also made it possible for them to make wrong choices and to sin. In addtion, they could now have children, so the rest of God's spirit children could come to earth, otain physical bodies, and be tested. Only in this way could God's children progress and become like Him.

    ( We lived in Heaven with God before we came to this earth. We are his spirit children.)  

  9. Fictional is a synonym for Biblical.  There's your answer.

  10. I don't know about Adam but I used to date Eve.

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