
So according to an Ohio congressman,Pelosi is sitting on..?

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a comprehensive energy independence bill that was already vetoed by Bill Klinton in 95 that would allow widespread drilling and send a msg to the oil producing nations that we are serious about being independent.....according to congressional figures oil per bbl would drop over 25.00 per bbl whats with the Dems?...Why cant we at least GET A VOTE on this bill and see what happens?




  1. If Billy Boy had signed the bill in 95,that 5 yr lag time we keep hearing about would already be over and none of this would be going on

  2. They want higher oil prices.   They love the recession and they want problems until Bush is out .

         If Obama wins the magic wand will be waved.

             There is no real oil crisis other than what OPEC has created. We can have oil down to $70 if the elites allowed it .

  3. If you think just passing that bill would drop oil that much overnight, then you are saying that the price of oil is controlled at least to that extent by speculation.

    But congress has already passed a bill closing the enron loophole, over Bush's veto.  Some people think regulation of the speculative 'dark markets' could drop the price of oil by half...  overnight...

    Should you be a little curious as to why Bush isn't enforcing the new law?

  4. Madam Pelosi says it will take about 12 years to get the drilling operational to help start reducing the price of gasoline at the pumps.  However, 14 years ago, she supported a ban on drilling that Bill Clinton endorsed.  I think that ought to tell you what she and the dems think of you.  They simply don't care how much you and I pay for fuel.  They'll just blame it on Bush and think we're stupid encough to believe it.

  5. its stealth spin,election year,put blame on gop,with the help of the mainstream media!!!

  6. we all know its the Dems that are causing the deadlock...they love the radical tree huggers more than their own skin...when it comes out just how much they are causing us pain,and how much they are costing us in dollars,they will be lucky to get elected dog catcher at a dog fight

  7. Two reasons;

    1)  Media won't blame the dems;

    2)  Not doing so hurts Republicans (in charge) for November.

    Politics before solutions - the "democratic party way"

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