
So all married women still love s*x with their husbands?

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I'm baffled. In a previous question I asked about so many married women losing interest in s*x with their husbands. I know many women like this. Almost all the people who answered said I was wrong. So is it really just the women I know? Is it a myth that many women lose interest? Come on, tell the truth!




  1. I have been married for 8 yrs. and I have not lost interest!  I love being with my Husband, and have no desire to be with anyone else.  I think that it is more of the constant "routine" that causes ones to lose interest. I have to remind myself that he likes to be pleased just as much as I do.

  2. After all the years - every time isn't "mind blowing" but I wouldn't say that I've lost interest.  

  3. Like one person told you: marriage isn't all about s*x. You need the COMPLETE package. Just b/c women don't talk about having s*x with their husbands in public doesn't mean they are not blowing his mind. Women don't lose interest in s*x, our s*x drive increases. It just might be who you are associated with. Sorry. I know a lady doesn't kiss and tell....not at least to everyone. Imagine tellign everyone how wonderful your s*x life is in your marriage. Don't you understand how much trouble that would bring in your marriage? That comes from maturity.

  4. I still enjoy s*x with my husband.

  5. Of course you're not wrong.  It's very very common.  Many are ashamed and won't admit it.  Most blame their husbands.  And of course, most of the people on yahoo are very young.  If they're married at all, they may not have reached that stage.  I've been female all my life, and honestly, women baffle me.  If I lost interest in my man, I'd move on.

  6. Hahaha!

    Asking here is FRUITLESS!

    Every married woman here (except for me of course!) is into watching p**n, having threesomes, wearing s**y costumes, hiding love notes all over the house and swinging from chandeliers.

    Oh, and all of them are size 2 or 4 and have DD Cups....

    I myself am the only "C" cup on Answers!

    And to answer your question, my husband's drive is much higher than mine, but a lot of times I make love even when not in the mood, because he makes a lot of money at IBM and provides well for our family.

    He does not ask for much....

  7. I dont know but if there are actually women out there that enjoy s*x.. can I give you my wifes number?  Maybe you could talk some sense into her!

  8. Some women do and some men do. It is only bad for the couple when one increases or stays the same and the other decreases.

  9. 23 years of marriage.

    Can't use our marriage as an example for your question.  We have never had any lack of interest in our 23 years.  In fact, her interest has grown (peaked) which I thought was common for women.  Men peak early, women peak later.

  10. It can happen after a pregnancy and during menopause, due to a hormonal imbalance.

    There is also treatment for that.

    For someone to seemingly arbitrarily lose interest in s*x with their spouse, there is something missing/wrong in that relationship.

  11. I have to wonder from your previous question if you know many women like this, or know many married men who TELL you that many women are like this ..... hmmmmm.

    To answer your question:  YES.  I am 50, been married 23 years and still love my husband and still love s*x with my husband.  No interest lost here -- and after the kids finally all moved out we got to know each other much better and our relationship has improved in ALL areas.

    You're buying into a MYTH.  All the women I know express the same as I about their husbands and their intimate relations with their husbands, except for one who is married to an alcoholic -- but that's a different story, different answer to a different question.

  12. I really think it is dependent on the relationship.

    A woman will NOT want to have s*x with a man who does not appreicate her and takes her for granted.

    Then there can be medical issues (like hormones) that play a big part.

    I love my husband and still love to "get it on" with him but I do appreciate that there are reason why a wife may not be having s*x.

  13. I love s*x. Married s*x is even better. I am always ready to go, and its only been twice that I have actually turned down s*x. Were the hanging from the rafters kind of couple.

    s*x with my husband...amazing. Earth shattering if you will.

    Its definitely not a myth in this house.

  14. This is almost a question of statistics.  I think that human nature find it's comforting to generalize.  And this simply isnt one of those subjects on which there is a general consensus. You just cant say "most or many women" with this one.  

    The human sexual experience is just too varied!  Im sure there are indeed many women who lose interest in s*x,  but there are also many women who are very interested in s*x with their husband.  It depends on too many different variables;  How loving and close their relationship is, what stage their relationship is, their individual s*x drives, do they have children or not.  

    I think you need to enjoy your own experience without letting other people's experience get in the way.  Do what you like, your friends do what they like.  

    Try the Kinsey report if you want the truth about s*x.

  15. Why have s*x with a man, when the you can get the best O with a toy??

    Eveybody here is lying to you.

  16. We have been married for 37 years this October.  When we were dating we could hardly keep our hands off each other.  If we were alone we were making out, lots of petting intercourse, or oral, but we had our fun.

    After about the first 6 months, things tapered off to once or twice a week, partly due to a lower libido on her part, and partly due to our work schedules.

    Now we are on a maybe 2x a month pace, but our friendship never been closer.

  17. Its easy to find women whose husbands don't want s*x here.

    Its also easy to find men whose wives don't want s*x.

    Harder to find the opposite.

    The reason is simple.  Partners who are not interested in s*x are also not interested in talking about s*x.  Anyone who clicked on - for example, your question probably has some s*x drive.  Women, or men, who roll their eyes when their partner wants s*x would not even be looking at your question.

  18. Like I said to your previous question there are some cases but it is rare and there usually is a reason have you ever asked the women why they lost interest chances are they didn't tell you because it is a shameful reason. Like they are cheating or the husband is cheating or its their libido because they aren't getting the vitamins they need but yes most times this is a line men feed women.

  19. I've been married for 7yrs and I still enjoy it. There were times when I didn't even want to think about it. A marriage is a life of stages and right now we are back in the " IN LOVE " stage.  

  20. Yep I am one of those woman losing interested in her hubby! I want more it like he does not turn me on anymore cause of some bad things that he did in our marriage now all think about is finding a lover and getting some stress

  21. i think you are wrong also, sorry

    that spark is definately still there for us

    and i am so glad it is

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