
So an architect has designed a spinning building for Dubai.?

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Would you feel safe in a building were the levels were separate and could spin on command, all be it slowly. What happens if the mechanism breaks? Does that effect the structural integrity of the building, can the people on the floor get out?

Personally this dont sound like a good idea to me, but what are the thoughts of the people?




  1. Buildings have to meet strict physical requirements, even in Dubai, in order to be built. There would be no more reason to worry about the spinning, independent floors building than any other skyscraper.

    You didn't mention the coolest think about it: it has wind turbines between every floor and is estimated to produce something like ten times the amount of energy it requires.

  2. I would feel as safe as an Northern Rock investor. Sounds like a good building  in which to play roulette. What would happen if someone pressed the fast button,would people go flying through windows?

  3. im guessing the architect didnt take the people with motion sickness into consideration lol

    i agree,how are people supposed to get out,theyl end up on a diffrent side of the building every time they leave it

    hope theres a car park surrounding the whole building instead of one car park at one side of it lol

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