
So any tips on making new friends?

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well all my friends have changed. they don't have their values anymore now that were in highschool. they think it's all about goofing off and getting in trouble. i don't get along with them very well either cuz their being really S****y with every guy and theres already rumors about them after 2 days in highschool.

I'm not shy but whenever i talk to someone new i feel like their judging me. Any tips to make new friends?




  1. Just be confident.

    I feel that way too.

    They're probably thinking the same thing.

    So just invite them to hang out or get their number and text/call them

  2. Wait did you just enter high school or are you in your second year, etc?

  3. People do change.  Friendships come and they go.  If you're lucky a few will be there, supporting you, throughout your life.  You're smart to figure out that what you want is a new group of friends that share your same values.

    Since school just started you're in a great position to check out the various clubs.  High schools have a great assortment of clubs to bring kids together with the same likes.  Art, language, science, math, games, etc.  Go to your school's office and ask for a listing of registered clubs, find a few that interest you, and call the contact people.  Clubs have the added benefit that the people who participate in them are not likely to be the goof off, trouble maker type.

    If your high school is the type that combines kids from different middle schools, then you're in luck.  You and other kids are looking for fresh starts and friendships outside of their usual selection pool.  Look for the kid you don't know in your class and start asking them if they're good in that subject.  Ask if them if they'd be interested in starting a study group in that subject.  Then invite more people and start some study groups in other subjects.

    Remember, the key is to put yourself in situations to talk with new people.

    Good luck.

  4. don't look at da seniors in da eye

    Never remind ur teacher about homework

    and never let a boy get inside u if u havent dated for a year yet!

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