
So are Obama's past and present associations relevant or not when judging his character and fitness for offic?

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  1. They should be, but have been swept under the rug by most.

    I like the phrase "thrown under the bus" better though..

  2. It shows that he befriends scumbag anti-American haters. Why would we want someone like that running the country? Why are we constantly assured by Obama supporters that Barry loves his country when a lot of his close associates clearly hate the country. Why does Barry always make it a point to bash this country any chance he gets. Every speech that i see Barry give, he does nothing but trash the traditions and foundations that make this country great. Why on earth do we want this guy as president? Clinton might have been a smooth liar, but i don't think he hates America, I can't say the same for Barry.  

  3. Associations matter, but all successful candidates are successful politicians.  They don't hang around with Mother Teresa (God rest her soul).

  4. No, we've been instructed to ignore all of that and not to question his past.  Remember, that is the "politics of the past" and the "politics of fear" --- no questions about Obama's radical friends/pastors/mentions are allowed.

  5. Obama is like Teflon, nothing sticks to him. Compared to the average politician his character comes off as squeakie clean.

  6. Not if you are a liberal.  You know... Racists, terrorists, mob bosses.  Nothing says good judgement like hanging out with the scum of the earth.  I think we should make that guy president....... Of the prison book club.........

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