
So are celebrities up there with the gods now or what?

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Whats with the celebrity worship in the world, everywhere, not just America. Saying that they have "good genes" when most of them have "good incomes". Plastic surgery anyone? How about hundreds of dollars worth of makeup, or hair extensions/highlights/dye? Starving oneself to fit in? Why do we act like these people are gods when, without their money, they would be down here with the rest of the normal people. If everyone just ignored celebrities and went on with their own lives these celebrities wouldn't be able to manage without a few thousand "fans" for which to be worshiped by. Some people bury their heads so far up celebrities bums its ridiculous...I also find it annoying when a celebrity has a kid and the media is all over it like NO ONE in the history of mankind has EVER had a fricken child, EVER. *sigh*...omg.... Would anyone else like to throw in their opinions on celebrity worship, just for the h**l of it?




  1. Agree, it annoys me to no end that they're having money thrown at them when there are people struggling to survive.

    Us westerners and our values, gosh we've lost all sense of priority.

  2. Many ancient gods/ goddesses began as dead ancestors who were worshiped to help out their living descendants from the other side. So, why not worship wealthy living people?  

  3. No at the moment that honour is reserved for the sportsmen and women.

  4. Well,you also have to think also that these people have absolutely NO privacy in their lives,and i would not trade that for all the $ in the world.

  5. i dunno, nobody worships them, we ridicule them, no??

    it sux to be a celeb, i promise !

    p.s. by the way- it's not media all over them when they have kids, it's they selling stories and kids pictures and so on

    so they basically lives of selling the stories and making ones up

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