
So are my parents crazy or am i really that bad of a kid?

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They have caught me several times smoking weed, and have grounded me several times, and recently they thought i was done smoking when i just kinda went out and smoked a couple of times. The smoking weed thing is a once in awhile thing but my parents think im an addict, but anyways, they read a text message about me smokin and were yellin at me and told me that they thought it would be best if i left the house. so then they leave and go do there own thing for like a haf an hour or so until i left and said goodbye. that was friday and today is monday and i came home because i heard that they were looking for me and telling people to tell me to come home. so when i came home they were yelling at me about how i just ran away without telling them. and when i said that they said to just leave they said "we told you that if you continued to do the things you are doing than you arent welcome here anymore" which is not what they said at all so idk what to do bcuz when i stay they tell me to leave and when i leave they come looking for me. please dont tell me that weed is bad either bcuz i just need to know if my parents are crazy or not. thank you




  1. No they are not crazy.  Weed damages your brain and causes cancer much like tobacco.  

    You're lucky you have parents that care.  A lot of parents would have given up on you by now.

    Listen to them!!!


  3. I think you know the answer already, don't you.  You have loving parents and you're looking for someone to validate your own selfish desires of wanting to do something that's not only harmful to you, your family and your future, but is devastating your relationship with your obviously loving parents.  I do believe that they may be going overboard by kicking you out, but I dont know how old you are.  If you are under 18, they shouldn't be, if you are over 18, get your own place, get a job, buy all the weed you want, sit there and smoke your brains out.  When they have to peel your body out of the car you were driving because you spaced out and killed a toddler playing in his front yard, see who comes to visit you at the hospital-then the prison yard-or the cemetary (life's a gamble, isn't it?).....your pot-head friends or your parents.  Sorry, but I've been there, done that on both sides....and I hate seeing anyone else make the same mistake.  Try meeting with them and talking regardless of your ages, o.k.?

  4. Smoking weed?

    d**n, can't you at least wait for college?  

  5. They just love you and want you not to be a screwup. if you stilla re going to smoke weed, be a little more discreet.....your parents are not crazy

  6. It's your parents. Don't worry you'll get your payback time. My parents are 71 and there just now saying sorry and admitting that they were messed up in the head.....................Oh and another point. Only a drug user can know your using drugs unless you left evidence right in front of them

  7. they arent crazy.  they seem to be frustrated.  they are scared that you are going to wind up being a looser.  

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