
So at what age are you going to give them the s*x talk?

by  |  earlier

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Or are you going to let the schools take care of that?




  1. whenever they start asking questions

  2. No you NEED to have the s*x talk with your kids. And now a days don't sugar coat it. I say around 14 but now a days who knows maybe 12, 13 years old. I will sit my daughter down and tell her....There is going to be a point in her life when she is going to want to have s*x. Hopefully she will wait until she finds someone she truly loves. And hopefully it wont be until she is older. I will tell her if she ever wants to be put on birth control i will take her to the doctor. And I will not ask her any questions if she doesn't want to give me an explanation why. But if she is ready to have s*x i would like her to come to me first to get on birth control because i am not ready to have any grand children. Also i will tell her to ALWAYS ALWAYS use a condom because there are so many decieses out there. And she does not want to get one. I will show her pictures and tell her what each one is. And tell her the statistics about them, There are too many children in this world having s*x and having babies. I WILL not live with the guilt of not telling my daughter she needs to protect herself. I don't care how akward and weird it will be.  

  3. My daughter is 9.  I told her all about the birds and the bees.  I am very open and honest (appropriately) with my kids.

  4. if you really want to know ask your parents, if they dont then find an ADULT who will tell you the truth and care. all i can say without crossing the line here is wait until you are married. and if you do it, there are a lot to consider, sexual deceases and babies. are you ready or that yet

  5. My son is almost six, and he has already had a couple "s*x talks."  Not in any gory detail, but he knows that mommies and daddies make babies together, he knows that babies grow in the mother's womb until they are ready to be born, he knows that mothers make milk in their b*****s to feed their babies, and he knows that men and boys have penises, while girls and women have vaginas.

    There is no one "s*x talk."  It should be an open, age-appropriate dialogue that continues throughout childhood.  Don't you want that important information to come from you and not somebody else?  By the time the schools have that as part of their curriculum, they have already been well misinformed by their peers.

  6. As long as I draw breath the schools will not teach my daughter about s*x.  My wife will tell her when she get her first period and I will have a long and frank talk with her the first time a boy come to the door for her.

    Parents who leave it to the schools should't get upset when their kids get in trouble and your 15 year old daughter needs a babysitter for your grand child.

  7. I never actually had "the talk" with either of my kids.

    Sexuality was always sort of an "open" thing in my house ... it wasn't explicitly discussed, but it was not hidden, either.

    Kids pick up a LOT from their friends ... not to mention TV, movies, magazines ... so kids today are pretty well-informed at a young age.

    I just treated every question (as questions arose) with a matter-of-fact attitude ... didn't make more of an issue than necessary with any of it.  

    My approach might not work for every family, but I addressed questions about s*x with as much angst as I would a question about strawberry or grape jelly on a PB&J .. in other words, it was a reality, but not necessarily an issue.

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