
So atheists, do you expect Christians to just be silent like lambs?

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As in, Jesus was silent when He was on trial and stuff because it's what was prophesied in the OT, so that was His reason. But do you expect us to do that to? Do you know what happened to the Essenes and the Gnostic? They're basically gone buddy, and it's because they didn't speak up. You may find like 1 Essene on here and maybe a few gnostics, but that's about it. They weren't bold like Paul, and because of that, they were wiped out.

So do you want Christians to "be quiet" about their faith? Don't you want them to let their faith roar from the highest of mountain tops?




  1. It doesn't matter what the atheists want; I do not live my life according to what they wish.

    Of course, I don't go around shoving my beliefs down anyone's throat, either.  

    I really expected more Silence of the Lambs references, too.  I'll drink a nice chianti to that!  

  2. You can talk all you want about your faith.  Shout it from the mountaintops for all I care.  Just don't use it as foundation for forcing laws and morality on the rest of us.

  3. You know, it wouldn't hurt for you to turn the other cheek, like your Messiah says to do.  I was raised Christian, and I remember a lot of talk about loving your neighbor and not judging people.  But a lot of people continue to pretend that their faith gives them an excuse to put everybody else down, and I'm sick of it.  That's one of several reasons I left the Church in the first place.

  4. Why, as an atheist, would I want christians to "let their faith roar"?  I don't expect them to be silent, but I sure wouldn't mind it.  I have no qualms if christians slowly disappear because they don't "speak up".  

  5. ...the Christians were the ones who silenced the Gnostics. Writings survived until Christianity found them.

  6. That's how things are.  All sheep were once lambs.

  7. As long as christians are okay with me blasting Judas Priest into their bedroom windows, they can be as loud as they want.  

  8. asking you to stay out of what is not your business is not asking too much. What exactly are you whinnig about?

  9. No, I support your right to express your religious opinions. However, I do expect you to follow the Golden Rule and to allow those who believe differently from you to speak out as well.

  10. "Don't you want them to let their faith roar from the highest of mountain tops?"

    Okay, I KNOW that this bloke is a troll. Took a while, but we finally have proof positive.

  11. no...we expect you to have the silence OF the lambs!!!

  12. They expect to silence the lambs with muzzles provided by left wing judges legislating from the bench.

    But the lambs are commanded by the true Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ, to roar out his Word. Pagan Rome tried and failed to silence us by boiling us in oil, burning us as human torches, and feeding us to lions. But we remain as does the Word of God.

  13. oooo yes please!  

  14. Yes, I want you to be quiet, and I will explain why

    1)Rarely do you present a clear conception of what you mean when you say god.  When picked apart, as we'll be happy to do, the christian god resolves itself (ie your definition retreats) into an unknowable entity.

    2)Saying that an entity is unknowable is itself a claim of knowledge

    3)If one aspect of an entity is knowable, it establishes limits and subject that being to investigation through natural means (god is no longer supernatural).

    4)Your only option, if you wish for your god to remain supernatural, transcendent, and unlimited, is to say nothing about him.

    Unless you're willing to sacrifice the essential character of your god and reduce the word to a meaningless sound, by all means remain silent.

  15. Do you want people of other faiths doing that? What about satanists?

  16. Yes. And then I expect to eat their livers, with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

  17. Boy, lion you like to ruffle the feathers, lol

    You had to have known the response to that question. They say Christians flock together like sheep? Boy there are a lot of non believing sheep in here.

    But anyhow, I don't think we should be silent, I also don't think we should corner people either, even though I have never run across anyone yet who has been forced to listen to something they didn't want to. Also I do read the bible and know , for the most part, what it says, and people who do not believe hate Christians, not religious people, just the christian people,(If you notice there are not too many protests on other religions) and  Jesus tells us why..

    "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.  If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.- the book of john, NT

    And that's all.  

  18. No, we expect them to bleat like the sheep they are.

  19. About their imaginary friend, in my presence, YES.

    Or they deserve every bit of scorn and derision I heap upon them, and have no one to blame for it but themselves.

  20. I don't care if they're silent as long as they're not so jingoistic about their d**n foolish religion.

    Most of them don't even know what the Bible says, and here they are defending it... makes no sense.

  21. Not at all.   Shout as loud as you can.   That's the beauty of have that right.

    Don't cry, however, when non-Christians also practice freedom of speech.

  22. Your church is the one that wants you to be quiet lambs.

  23. Well you are all supposed to be Christ-like aren't you?

    But honestly, I really couldn't care less if you shouted it "from the highest of mountain tops", just keep it out of the government.

  24. No, I'd much rather they kept their delusion to themselves.

    It doesn't give me much hope for this planet when so called civilised people can believe in invisible sky fairies.


  25. answer: It would be nice.  Christianity has already done enough damage world-wide without adding more and more.

  26. I expect them to be decent human beings, but I realize that this is at odds with what you want.

  27. They do want us to be quite. It might hurt a little when we say what we believe. So they feel the need to bash us.  

  28. You shouldn't be silent, you should speak up for yourself, everyone should and everyone has the right to, but when you do so you have to be aware that you are opening up your beliefs and opinions for debate and argument:)

  29. I expect you to keep your faith to your selves. I am tolerant of your beliefs, as an American I celebrate religious freedom which includes the freedom not to believe in god, Jesus, Paul, or space aliens.

  30. I want you to be quiet because it's annoying when you're not. That's pretty much it.  

  31. I'm wishing you would be silent right about stupid

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