
So atheists, if Paul contradicted Jesus, why does Peter agree with Paul's teachings?

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Oh, it's only in 2 Peter?




  1. Because he's just that hardcore.

  2. Judah, we've been wanting to talk to you about Paul and Peter's "special friendship" but we didn't know if you were ready for it.

  3. Many people agreed with scientists when they believed the world was flat.  Does that make it true?

  4. Three is a bad company.

  5. Can you be more specific?

    Though, why would it matter if everyone contradicted Jesus?  Jesus is the boss, right?

  6. Because the apostle's were all high when they went with Jesus to the special place in the hills? I don't know, ask him yourself since you think you can talk to him.

  7. Peter? "Not I, Lord" Peter?

    Oh, he'd never contradict Jesus.

  8. Why do you ask atheists, as though they cared one iota for what ANY of the Bible says?  All they want to do is to mock, criticize and scoff at things they obviously know absolutely nothing about, or they wouldn't be so quick to mock.

    But, you are right in what you are implying.  If you remove Paul, you also have to remove Luke, who talked of Paul's conversion, and also John, who said some of the same things in the book of Revelations.  Pretty soon, you begin to completely erode the entire Bible by tearing out things you don't agree with.  Then we become the Judge, instead of doers of the Word.

  9. How about Peter and Paul's letter were written at around the same time...before the gospels.  When the gospels were written several to many decades latter the agenda of the writers was significantly different than it was for the writers of the missionary epistles.

  10. You bring up three mythological men and ask me to comment?

  11. In Acts in Galatians 2:1-6 and in 2 Peter 3:15 (please don't slap me)

    And in the actual content of their teachings.

    Peter wasn't the only one who agreed with Paul's teachings, so did the other apostles.  They saw that God had indeed called Paul and sent him with authority to preach the gospel especially to the gentiles.

    Some people won't even give Bible believing Christians the benefit of acknowledging that we believe the Bible.

    That is a very good question and observation.

  12. Fake, Fake and Fake. The General Theory of Religion is Fake.

  13. He doesn't. Atheists are just workin for satan and don't even realize it.

  14. The easiest answer is obviously that Peter also disagrees with Jesus' teachings.  

  15. How could Peter agree with Paul's teachings, if Paul by his own admission bragged about overruling him and taking control of the early church.  Here's just one of many passages which reveal a serious conflict between Peter and James' group and Paul's new brand of Christianity: "And when Peter came to Antioch, to the face I stood up against him, because he was blameworthy..."  Young's Literal Translation.

    To Peter and James, Paul was a phony, a pretender, a usurper who stole their authority in the early church. The Petrine and Jamesian traditions were eradicated and eventually became heresy. Their authentic traditions are quite different from the forged epistles in their names written at the order of Christian fathers to make it look like Peter and James were with one accord with Paul, when in reality they detested the liar who had the effrontery to pretend he knew Jesus better than they did, they who lived with Jesus, ate with Jesus, camped out in tents with Jesus, and all on the basis of an hallucination?

    Paul, not Peter and James is the principle corrupter and perverter of the form of Judaism practiced by Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples who regarded him as the Messiah. Paul's claim to have sat at the feet of Gamaliel would convince no Jewish elder of the time as Paul's Judaism, which was about 50% pagan BS, was not in line with the Talmudic Judaism of the Pharisee Gamaliel or the great master Rabbi Hillel.

    I am a Jew, Paul, in reality was essentially a fake Jewish Elder and absolutely phony Christian, a maniacal lunatic, a crazed woman hating, latent homosexual.  He was a dangerous man. Too bad his version of Christianity won out and defeated the Petrine camp, too bad for the Jews who suffered at the hands of the Holy Inquisition and eventually the n**i Death Camps. All indirectly a product of Pauline theology.

    We have available quite a lot of authentic texts from the Petrine and Jamesian traditions and they reveal [so does the book of Acts] that the early Christians were not a separate religion. They were Jews, had only One God, and no Trinity, Jesus was the Messiah, not a god, they abided by Kosher laws and attended the Synogogues and Beth Midrash [Houses of Prayer], the observed the Sabbath, the Passover Seder and outside of their belief that Jesus was the Messiah, were not much different from the Essene sect of Judaism.

    Paul turned Jesus into a god with Paul as the sole prophet and revealer of this religion which eventually became about 90% paganized BS and incorporated whacked out stuff like "virgin births", "incarnations of God", the "Trinity" which R. Ingersoll rightly called "..the single stupidest doctrine in Christendom." ripped of the nativity of Mithras, the Sun God, and made it apply to Jesus of Nazareth [this is in Luke's gospel], and eventually even turned his mother Mary into a virtual goddess in her own right.  All of these things, man-gods, virgin births, the Trinity would fill a religious or secular Jew of their time or ours with total disgust.

  16. What scripture shows that Peter agreed with him?  If you quote 2 Peter 3:15 I'll smack you.  Right through the monitor.  :)

    Edit:  Luke wrote Acts, not Peter.  Luke was Paul's disciple, who never even met Jesus.  We do not have the words of Peter himself to corroborate what is portrayed in Acts.

  17. Why are all of your religion questions directed at atheists?  Shouldn't you be asking the religious folks for the answers?  Is it due to a lack of faith on your own kind?

  18. Thats a trick question non of them exist :-P

  19. Maybe you should ask this question to Christian's since they all know about their religion....

    I was a Christian but I can't keep in mind these things - they are too complicated if you know what I mean

  20. Lol, Lion of Judah, I haven't read from you for a while. But I don't know what the heck you are talking about, though.

  21. Who cares, it was all made up.  Why does the Iliad claim that Posidon has a trident with barnacles on it while the Oddessey says that his trident is barnacle free?

  22. Atheists are retarded.

  23. Peter also contradicted Jesus for his own purposes?

    Just guessing.

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