
So atheists, why don't we have books of the bible written by Mary or Mary Magdalene?

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If they were supposed to be popular when Jesus was alive, why don't they have any books written by them?

And no, the book of Luke was not written by Mary. :)




  1. You think women were allowed to do anything back then?

    The doom song is from  cartoon "invader zim" about a stupid alien trying to take over earth, he has an even dumber robot who sings "the doom song" it goes doom doom doom doommie doom dommie doom doom. Completely pointless but funny anyways. Youtube it if you want.

  2.   We do. The church banned them because they were women , and they didn't completely agree with the party line.

  3. I'm pretty sure they were written after the death of Jesus.  But the reason they are not read today is because the "powers that be" within the Christian establishment as early as the 2nd century began rooting out any texts that they deemed to be heretical.  Heretical as defined by them meant any text that didn't support the specific image of Jesus they wanted to perpetuate within the church.  But you know this.

  4. First of all it was a society that oppressed and suppressed women. So even if they had written anything it wouldn't be known that a woman wrote it. Second, the books you call the bible today were decided by a VOTE of MEN so why would they ever consider a woman's writing and why do you think that a vote made some materials holy and others not?

  5. I bet you still live at home with your mommy don't you?

  6. Why are you asking atheists?

    There are NO books by contemporaries of Jesus, as far as I know.  

  7. Corn chips.  Makes exactly the same amount of sense as your question.

  8. Actually, there is a Gospel of St. Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

    I believe, though don't quote me on it, there's even a Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

    Do not assume that just because it's not in your Bible that it doesn't exist.  There's a number of Biblical-style texts that were not included.

  9. There ARE books written by Mary (supposedly). However,

    do some history of your bible and you'll find the answer you seek.

  10. Because women were second class citizens back then.  They weren't allowed to do any record keeping.  I'm sure if they were allowed to, Christianity wouldn't be the male doministic load of horse sh*t it is today.

  11. Man twisted the bible to make it masculine.  .Many women wrote scripture and man rejected it.  .It is not a factual book anyway.  .The king James writers voted out reincarnation by one vote and totally eliminated one third of scripture.  .If  people want God's truth they will have to read Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.  . Most christians do not have the courage to even read these books, let alone correct the mythology they have been teaching for a couple thousand years..  God bless

  12. The book of Luke wasn't written by Luke either. The names of the gospels were originally used by the Catholic church to try and create a direct link to the disciples despite the fact none of the authorships are known.

    There is of course the gnostic gospel of Mary but again, the author was doubtfully Mary.  

  13. women didnt write books byck then


  14. Who cares?  Why don't we have a book of the Bible written by Billy-Bob the village idiot of Nazareth?  I don't know.

    If I had to bet they were either

    A.)  Fictional characters made up by the authors of the New Testament so they didn't actually exist at all to write anything.

    B.)   People like Timothy, in their extereme sexist opinions that we do have, burned them before they could become widely published.

  15. There is in the apocrypha:

  16. Because the writers of the Bible were chauvinistic morons.

    Red Queen:  Great link.  Very interesting- thanks.  You seem to have struck a nerve with Lion of Judah...  Hmmm...  Just more evidence supporting my theory that the guy hates women.

  17. I have read the Gospel of Mary Magdala. The Gnostics Gospels. They are more interesting. I learned that I am my own Messiah and choose my own path in life. No wonder why the Council of Nicaea banned some of them. Wow! Freethinkers back then.  I don't take any religious text literally, I just look for some morals in them.

    Deist-no religion.

  18. Ok this isn't to answer your question really but rather I want to plant something in your head.

    Why would God need a son when he is all powerful? God was neither begotten nor does he beget.

    Would not Adam be God's son since God directly created Adam if Jesus can be considered God's son?

    If God is all powerful why did he need to rest on the Sabbath?

    Did you know that whether or not Jesus would be considered God's son and a God or not was heavily debated by early Western Christians? And that the original Christians did not believe Jesus  was the son of God?

    This is why Islam is the fastest growing religion, because it negates these fallacies. Also, if you wound up wanting to learn Islam only learn it from the Qur'an at first. A lot of people create false books and have false understandings of Muslim practices. Furthermore, there are a lot of cultures that directly defy Islam, but the peoples of those cultures claim to be Muslims. For example, beating your wife is a sin if you hurt her, but most people will say that "All Muslims are sexist wife beaters." Also the hijab (headscarf) is viewed in the Muslim world as empowering to women rather than limiting. Muslim women view the hijab as a way of keeping men from objectifying them. It isn't to hide them from society. Think of it this way - do men have to cover their b*****s in public? No, but women do. In Islam there is just more that is considered "sexual" than in the West.

  19. There IS a gospel written by Mary Magdalene. It's one of the Gnostic Gospels and the men who decided what did and didn't eventually wind up in the Bible as we know it today didn't include that Gospel (or a bunch of other ones if I recall correctly). So maybe you should be directing this question at Church authorities instead of atheists, since atheists had nothing to do with the inclusion/exclusion of certain books in the Bible (neither did modern Church authorities, to be honest, but it would be interesting to hear their explanations for excluding this and other Gospels from the Bible).

  20. It is so close minded to believe the any one religion.

    You assume *your* book is the correct one, when there are tons of other religions that you cast off as silly, so why not your own?

  21. I am sure if there is anything, the Church labeled it apocryphal long ago and if it was that damning and contradictory to the agenda, it would have been completely destroyed.

  22. Athiest have no idea! They don't read the bible or study biblical facts. They believe it's all folklore.

  23. How the h**l am I supposed to know?  I'm an atheist, remember?

    And lemme take a whack at your question, cause the Marys were women and thus, according to the Bable, at home, barefoot, pregnant and illeterate

  24. All you are doing is reinforcing how disgusting and sexist your gender is.  

  25. There are all kinds of "books" that at one time or another (or in one brand of Christianity of the the other) were part of the Bible.   However, I think someone above pointed out, it is widely agreed that none of the accepted writings of New Testament were written by anyone who actually lived at the time Jesus was supposed to have lived anyway.  Maybe there were contemporary writings considered to be included, but none of them made the "cut" at Nicea.

    But I still don't care...

  26. In reality, there were MANY books of the 'Bible' written by women.

    However, the vast majority of them were removed when the standardisation of the Bible came into effect around 400AD.

    Before this time women were held in religious high regard. However, as these things became 'pagan' under the new regime, the female books of the old testement were mostly discarded over the years.

    FYI - The book of Luke wasn't written by LUKE either, NONE of the so called Gospels were in fact written by ANY of Jesus disciples. The gospels were compiled some 30 - 250 years after his death.

    The apocrypha (books that WERE in the Bible at one time, but later removed) contain books by Judith & Susannah., although in fairness, these books, like so many, are probably named after people rather than actually penned by them.

  27. Literacy was a privilege that was not universal until the eighteenth century. Only tribal elders and scribes would have known  how to write. Women certainly didn't have access to very valuable writing materials, or the education needed to use them. Your question is preposterous.

  28. The Doom song is from invader zim. Theres this like retarded robot that says "imma sing the doom song. doom dooom doom doom doomie" yeah he just just keeps saying doom in a high pitch voice for like 6 months

  29. Women didn't read or write back then. Most ordinary men didn't, either - that's why preachers were needed.  Also, the books of the Bible were written decades AFTER Jesus allegedly lived.

  30. The Gospel of Mary is an apocryphal book discovered in 1896 in a fifth-century papyrus codex. The codex Papyrus Berolinensis 8502 was purchased in Cairo by German scholar Karl Reinhardt.

    Although the work is popularly known as the Gospel of Mary, it is not technically classed as a gospel by scholastic consensus. For example, Andrew Bernhard notes in his text-critical edition of non-canonical gospels that, "the term 'gospel' is used as a label for any written text that is primarily focused on recounting the teachings and/or activities of Jesus during his adult life."

    Scholars don't always agree which of the Marys in the New Testament is the central character of the Gospel of Mary. Arguments in favour of Mary Magdalene are based on her status as a known disciple of Jesus, the tradition of being the first witness of his resurrection, and her appearance in other early Christian writings. She is mentioned as accompanying Jesus on his journeys (Luke 8:9) and is listed in the Gospel of Matthew as being present at his crucifixion (27:56). In the Gospel of John, she is recorded as the first witness of Jesus' resurrection (John 20:14-16).

    So we might have a book by Mary of Magdala, or it could by one of the other Marys.

  31. Oh, but we do.

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