
So back in November of last year we found out that i was pregnant, however by December i was having a DNC

by  |  earlier

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because the baby did not develop. then in June since i was not yet PG again my MD ran some blood work and we found that my prolactin hormone was too high (36.9) so i was placed on Parlodel and i just had my prolactin tested again today, however, now my levels are too low (0.8) does anyone know what this could mean? has anyone ever had this happen to them?




  1. u r taking to much pills

  2. Ii feel sure the medication caused the level to go too low. I had the same problem with my blood pressure. Hopefully, it will not be too low to have to take anything to raise it.

    There is a good possibility it will regulate itself after getting off the medication and everything will be fine.

    I will certainly remember you in my prayers that everything will go well and you will have a wonderful happy addition to your family. Just take care of yourself and do not be afraid to ask your doctor any questions you may have. You may want to write them down before you go for your next visit.

    Also, get on the computer and check out prolactin and the medicine and see what information you get ger from there.

  3. Sounds like your doctor needs to lower the dosage of your medication.

    To get your levels back up the doctor might want to take you off the tablets for a while and let your levels go up naturally or he might put you on something to raise them again.

  4. It probably means the dosage of your medication is too high.  See the doctor for an adjustment.

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