
So because someone has more money, that makes them a better parent?

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(in reference to the celeb pregnancy question)




  1. I'm with Gaia Raain... if money makes you a good parent then I am seriously screwed.

  2. no

  3. No.

    Adoption agencies look at the ability of a person/family/household to provide for a child.

    Also, they want to make sure they're adopting the child because they genuinely desire children, not just for a tax deduction.

    It would be unwise to give a child to a family who was barely making it and just needed a tax deduction; therefore causing the neglect of said child.

  4. I'm with the other two above me....if money equals great parent, than I am lowest of the low.

  5. It certainly makes them better prepared to hire others to do that "caring" that's for sure. The children may have a better chance to feel a bit neglected by their actual parents but not always.

  6. nope.

  7. Man, I sure hope not.  If that's the case, then I'm going to SUCK as a mom.

  8. No, but it makes it easier to provide a better education for a child. Is someone on Welfare a bad mom? Some are, some aren't. I know women that have been on Welfare and one that was a friend of mine had 2 kids (Her jerk of an Ex was a Naval Officer and took off without paying support and the Navy refused to help her) Her kids turned out great and were both college graduates. I know another welfare mom that is about worthless and her kids are total brats. I know rich families that have great kids and rich families that have kids that are absolutely HORRID. Money doesn't make the difference, it is the parenting. Donald Trump's kids are all hard-working. He put them on a $10 a week allowance and made them work. Bill Gates is doing the same with his kids, but they are also able to go to one of the best private schools in Washington state.

  9. The job of a parent is to provide for his or her child. As long as you are doing this, it makes you a good parent. Brittany Spears is rich, but she's definitely not classified as a good parent. Money doesn't make the person, or in this case the parent.

  10. Money can't buy love..

  11. Not necessarily, but does open up more opportunity.

  12. No, money is just saying that they can buy their kids more stuff and make them happy until they want something new.

    But, if you look at it differently, being a good parent is when you are always there for your child no matter what. Bond and whatnot.

  13. okay say i was loaded with money. i could hire an great nanny, maybe even two of them, have them take wonderful care of my children, while i made my money and worked all the time. thats an awful parent. i wouldnt be spending time with my kids or teaching them things that i should be. so no, you dont have to be rich to be a good parent. im not rich at all but i stronly believe im a great mom, my kid has everything she needs and then some, i spend many many many hours with her, actually most of the day i am with her. i take the time to teach her things, watch kid tv shows with her (but not too much tv), i eat supper when she eats and i read to her. i make bath time fun and we play together a lot. i love her and i love being a parents. i dont need tons of money to be any better but it would be nice.......... lol

  14. Well, honestly, I'd have to say, "sometimes".  Not always.  Nothing is always/never, right?

    I say sometimes because in my own situation, I was broke, single, and young.  I found AP's that were well off, married, and old enough to know a few things that I didn't.  

    They've offered my baby girl a lot through their being better off financially than I was.  They go swimming, sledding, to the beach house, to Gymboree, to dance classes, kayaking, to the park, to New York City to the American Girl store, etc., etc., etc.  

    The AP's I chose not only can financially provide these things, they have jobs that allow them the time to do these things with her.

    I would have been able to take her... to daycare.  When I'd pick her up from daycare, I could take her to her other daycare so that I could go to my other job.  Maybe to Grandma & Grandpa's now and then.  That's about it.  I would not have had the money to do fun things, nor would I have had the time, as I would have been working all the time.  If I were lucky enough to find a way to stay in college, then I would have been busy working or at school.  

    So these celebrities are not neccesarily better parents because they have money, but they are certainly more able to provide for them financially, which whether we like it or not, is part of what we must provide as parents.  Hopefully we ALL have the love.

  15. Once you make/can get the minimum to support a child, I don't think it matters how much you make.  Every child should have a warm place to live, clothes on their back, and enough food to eat.  If you can provide those basic finanical needs, it shouldn't matter.  In addition to finanical support from parents, I also believe that equally important is emotional support.

  16. no

    a good parent is who takes care of there kids

  17. They who have money have control unless you are Britney Spears-Federline lol

  18. Absolutely not. Look at Britney Spears.

  19. No because they might be able to buy their kid what they want but your kid will end up going out and having s*x looking for the love they dont get from their parents. Most parents give their kids money or buy them stuff so they dont have to take care of them thats why rich people have nannies.

  20. Not a better parent, but they can probably buy their way to the top of a waiting list if they adopt from out of the country.

  21. I had two kids by the time I was 22. We were married and young and busted our back-sides to make ends meet...

    He worked days--I worked nights....we hardly ever saw each other....

    I cut coupons, shopped all over to find the best deals, washed diapers, cooked from scratch with lots of potatos... and we drove an old car that broke down sometimes in a bad spot---somtimes on the way to the doctors...

    I stayed up too late praying for a way to pay the bills...sold tupperware, babysat and managed apartments... I even delivered pizza at night--A MOM!

    Eventually our marriage was difficult--I expected too much--he was tired of the responsitilities and drank too much... Our children saw lots of fights...lots of times of panic not knowing how we would keep a home--food or car....

    Yes, they did do well in life....they were not abused....they both have college degree, no drugs, no problems with the law, no crisis... Except I almost lost the house sending the oldest on his high school band trip....

    Remarried... Much better finances.... no worries about bills and we adopt two special needs siblings....

    I do Not worry about keeping a home--just who will clean it and how much I have to put in the budget.... I don't worry about getting healthy food--even if it costs a little more.... I can afford Soccer, Girl Scouts and drama classes...

    My children do have a piano and computers... they don't hear their parents arguing about finaces...or their mother crying because she can't pay the gas bill...

    I am a much better parent and had I had the means to give my older children the same I very much wish I could have....

  22. No by any means.. i think people that have just enough are the best..  parents that have ALOT tend to spoil kids.. Parents that hae less tend to have more time to spend with their kids. and their kids understand the value of money alot more.

  23. no look at Britney Spears.  Money can not bring happiness.

  24. Obviously not.  They do question us about money though when adopting, and they want to ensrue you can provide a comfortable life, and that most importantly we as a couple don't fight about money.

  25. no. it's the amount of time they spend with their children. I would rather spend a day with my parents than them giving me 50 bucks to buy w.e i want.

  26. No. It means they are better able to provide for them. Everything from food to eduction. Adoption agencies look at the ability to provide, not the quality of the parental potential.

  27. Money has nothing to do with being a good parent.

  28. yay rich parents!!

  29. Money does not make better parents if they don't take care and love the child.

    Poor parents make it hard for them to provide things are need for a child and it is hard for the parents too.

    I think a child need a lot of love and provide basic need for the child.  Parents need to plan before bring the child to the world.

    If you think parent do not need money to take care the kid then how can you take care the kid?.

    Some women keep having children every year and let the tax payer pay for the bills.  I don't think that is a fair deal.

    By saying this I am not look down on people on welfare.  If her husband took of with a young hot chick and pay no child support than she has no choice but get help for the kids.

    Before, I can't afford to take my son to the restaurant for a steak, but I buy $3.00 dollar steak in a supper market and cook for him. I still supper mom.  However, I take birth-control pill until my financially better that call responsible

  30. not at all.  A rich person could give the kid everything, but the kid would be rude, annoying, ect. A poor person could give love and the kid would be well liked.

  31. No, don't you see in britney's case? the only advantage they have is to have money, so they hire people to care for their kids and don't have to give the baby up. Noone said they are "better" parents!

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