
So besides the Loch Ness monster, how many other imaginary creatures has "Global warming" killed?

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From the article: "Despite having hundreds of sonar contacts over the years, the trail has since gone cold and Rines believes that Nessie may be dead, a victim of global warming."

So now "Global warming" is killing of imaginary monsters... Should we be worried about Big Foot and the Chupacabra (the "Goat sucker" of mexican myth)?

Should congress pass protection laws on these creatures?

Perhaps some one should notify Al Gore... I mean man-bear-pig might be next.




  1. The people who believe in the loch Ness myth can use any excuse to explain their disappearing monster, so why not global warming.

    of course the truth is that it was local worms that killed Nessie off.

  2. Yep! this about the level of the scientific argument against global warming

  3. I think the abominable snowman will have to change his name to abominable grassman, but he should be happy about that I would think.  Santa is getting sun burned on his beach chair.  Nessie lived for 65 million years until those evil industries smoked him out.  If we can't find little green men, perhaps they were killed by global warming as well.  The bougie man dried up.  The jersey devil died of toxic gas inhalation.  The Skunk Ape and Windigo evaporated.  The creature from the black lagoon was swept away in a hurricane caused by global warming.   Trolls went back into their caves to escape the heat.  Lepricons couldn't find a rainbow in the droughts that are sweeping across the world.

    On a serious note, Gengi should understand that the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum happened gradually over thousands of years.  There is no indication that anything like that is happening IMO.

    Did you ever notice that alarmists have no sense of humor.  I guess that goes with their alarmist attitude.  They see the glass as half empty.  They refuse to look at the benefits of warming.  I can't understand that type of thinking or the condescending attitudes of some like the next poster.

  4. is that supposed to be a joke?  are things really getting this bad?  I mean, are people really getting THAT stupid?  To believe an imaginary creature died because of global warming?  Im shocked at the stupidity.

    Gengi, why compare past climatic changes of 55 million years ago to now?  We have no idea how the ocean currents were, and once again, it was an event of extreme volcanic activity, something you cant compare today with.  Plus, co2 levels were twice todays, and there wasnt really that much of an extinction event.  And here is how I can say this.  If there was a MASS EXTINCTION event at 65 million years ago caused by a 6 mile wide rock hitting the earth, followed by a long volcanic eruption in india, how can they detect an extinction at 55 million years if the planet was still recovering from the mass extinction 65 million years ago?  It sounds to me like you are just using it to scare people who dont know better.

      Surely, you remember when the earth was completely covered in ice because the oxygen level was too high, surely you do.  Right?

  5. You know what, you should stop acting like a jerk and get a life. Rumors are going around that Global Warming isn't real and you know what, I'm 100 percent sure it is. If we don't do something who knows what will happen. I know every non-enviremental person like yourself is going to give me a thumbs down, but I'm not going to stand for this any longer!

  6. I'm in a conundrum on this one. See, Michael Crichton is MUCH smarter than me and disputes that the globe is warming. The national assemblies of scientists who put out report after report say it's real.

    All I know is that if ANYTHING can push us to reach economies of scale in the production of non-fossil fuels, I'm for it!

    Imagine that, if Nobel Laureate, Dr. Olah, is correct, then the metanol economy would cut the price of gasoline to less than a dollar a gallon AND pacify the GW scientists!

    Hey! Even if we CAN'T get our brains around this thing, we CAN get them around the benefits of CHEAPER FUEL!!!

    Just my thoughts.


  7. I just heard on the news that the ice beneath Santa's North Pole facility has cracked and that the entire operation sank to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.  Loss of life amongst the elves is reported to be pretty serious, though most of the reindeer managed to escape by flying away.  The whereabouts of Santa and Mrs Claus is unknown.  The Russians are sending submarines to investigate.  If we had only listened to Al Gore.  Now Christmas is a thing of the past.

  8. Ugh..... Big foot? Lol.

  9. Champ - He's the monster who lives in Lake Champlain.

    And I am worried about BigFoot, as there have been fewer sightings of him these days.

  10. Lol. I don't believe in Global Warming one wink. I think it's just a cycle that's going to occur for centuries. I mean, we had a world filled with poisons, then all of a sudden our world froze over into the Ice Age, then the Ice Age melted and gave way to a healthy environment. Don't even get me started about how Georgia hasn't beaten its highest heat record since 1930. I think it's just nonsense. People won't even bother to look at history to try to see if it's just a cycle.

  11. Personally I don't care about Al Gore, George Bush, Nessie, Big Foot, or the Chupacabra. What I care about is data. Those of you that "don't believe" in GCC have your head in the sand so far you don't even know that it isn't about believing or not. This isn't a religious test. It's about hard data and evidence. And ones ignorance of the data is also akin to ones ignorance of the scientific process (there are no "truths", there are only observations. This isn't religion or politics). That said scientists have made millions of observations on GCC and how it is affecting real animals across the planet, humans included. If you don't want to "believe" it is only because you have no idea how to even wrap your head around a problem enough to research it from both sides. There is plenty of science out there but apparently not much in here. I know you, people on this thread, have already made up your mind, but I would suggest looking at the links below and be aware that any ".com" is a paid site where people are paid to say and think a certain way. There are many sites out there that enjoy promoting misinformation.

    To answer your question "none". Because imaginary creatures don't exist. I don't know if you want references for that but I'm sure the scientific data is lacking in proving their existence. And no congress shouldn't pass protection because they don't exist.

    As for the ManBearPig (reference below) he was never in the Al Gore episode (South Park) but was in "Imaginationland episode II" and thought to be made by Gore's imagination.

  12. I'm sorry to break this to you but there is no Santa.

    anyhow just because there is a so called pattern in  temperatures it dose not mean that it can not be changed. saying that man has no impact on world temps is ludicrous. something about not wanting to break the laws of physics.

    as a student of history you must also be fimilar with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and how it was caused by the release of greenhouse gasses but i guess that dose not worry you because you have already made up your mind.

    Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and the Opening of the Northeast Atlantic -- Storey et al. 316 (5824): 587 -- Science

  13. Humor comes in all different forms and styles.

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