
So bored!!?

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Well...only 2 weeks or so have passed from my summer holidays and I'm so bored. I don't know what to do. I have fimo modelling clay and i dont know what shape should i make and i also like experiments ( chemistry etc) i have a microscope and a chemistry set. pls can some one help mesave myself from bordem...i want something happy to make me forget that my mother is a hospital.. im sad and bored ...S.O.S

I am 12 yrs old




  1. Why not to try to make something for your Mum to cheer her up? I'm sure that a cross-stitched bookmark or other self-made gifts from you would make her happy again!! Worth for trying!

  2. i am sorry about your mom. she is in the hospital , i hope it is nothing serious? i don't know much about clay and experiments. you could find some at  the library though.  do you like to read? if so maybe the library in your town has a reading contest like the one where i live does. also with your lib. card you can get into the public swimming pool. i hope everything turns out ok for your mom.

  3. stay on yahoo answers. .

  4. sugestion get out of the house...go to public library read some great books check out some good tunes thay even have moovies to lend at moast.also books on tape are great.  public swimming pool,mall etc get out and make friends,enjoy youre life but be carefull not to let strangers too near. and please do go see mom and well it wouldent hurt to prey for her and be happy that you still have her in youre life.i am not so luckey.
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