
So called friends....what should i ?

by  |  earlier

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Last friday night I got in a car accident and two of my other friends who was in the car said they would help me pay for the damages the total came to 1200 so i figured a three way split the guy bailed out because he had to pay for some charges which i can understand but now the girls trying to pull out. so right now it looks like i might to take out a loan for 1200 and have the car fixed and have her pay one month and i pay one month. should i do that or no?




  1. You need to do what you can to get the car fixed.  If it takes a loan then get one but be sure you can afford to make the payment and not ruin your credit.

    As for your friends they are what I call "good weather friends" when the way gets stormy they back out and hide.  A true friend would help out.  Pay every month and don't rely on your friends to make a payment.  If you can get them to help cover the cost then you can put what they give you toward the loan.  But you are on your own with this one.  

    Maybe you can have them take you out for dinner or help pay for some other things while you put your money into the fixing of the car...that way they are helping with the cost of your living if not really helping pay for the car.  May you be blessed.

  2. Yes, you should do that since your friend is a jerk.. or she's in trouble.. hmm.. but I dont know.. :)

  3. its not your friends' obligation to pay for your car accident. How old are you? Their parents probably refused.

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