
So can coal to liquid replace oil? (saying of course the environmental effects of this were solved)?

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Could it? Cause what the uneducated people say is that coal will last good until the next century, (2100), and then I Google it and the energy analysts say 2020-2025 is the real peak of coal, they sound like people who would know, like and stuff like that...but in all the science books it'll tell you different (2100 is what they always say), so what is the real story? Is this another cover-up just like the saudi's did when the graphs of oil production never changed?




  1. It was done 60 years ago.No need.Plenty of oil.And not restricted by environmental lobby.The leases are held by the oil boys.They don't want to drill.

  2. Well, scientifically speaking, it can. It's ruinously expensive to do, however, and it's not very efficient.

    The problem with this approach is that we're right back where we started. Oil. We in the US have a really bad problem, and that's called corporate hegemony. AT&T was probably the epitome of this, but the oil companies are right up there.

    With AT&T, we had a corporation that had a virtual monopoly on something all Americans (and the world) used, and as a result, they didn't ever have to innovate. The technology they used was antiquated and they never had to lift a finger to improve...until we, as the government, broke them up and allowed real competition. Then, look what happened. Technology for communications went berserk, got cheap and we moved on.

    This is the problem with oil. We all need to use it. They know that. As a result, the industry is a monster and does not obey. Our nation is going in a huge slump and it's largely on the fear that we'll have an energy crisis. We will if we let them sort it out. Meaning they won't sort it out unless we, the government of the US, make them.

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