
So confused, scared, heartbroken... please help?

by  |  earlier

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I went round to my sister's to pick up some stuff that I left at her place. After everything I really didn't want to be around her but her flatmate, one that I've always thought was a decent person, assured me she'd gone out. So I went round and was talking to her flatmate as we went upstairs to grab the stuff from the study room they have.

Opened the door and my *sister* and *ex* were on the table, doing it. Turned to leave and the flatmate grabbed my arm, said some smarmy comment I completely blanked and walked off.

I walked all the way home, just trying to figure everything out. Got inside and started being really, really sick. I've only just stopped vommiting.

I really have no clue what's going on... someone please, any thoughts? I just dont know what to do or where to go from here, after everything this is really the last straw.

Please read my other questions if you want to judge me or something or whatever first because I can't take anyone calling me 'wrong', an 'ambomination' or anything else right now. (other stuff has happened, doon't want to talk about it.).

Why would they do this? I don't understand... and God, he's meant to be g*y... four years we've...




  1. WOW that is a real bad situatio maybe you should just talk about everything to someone that will understand your problem.

  2. Hi,

    So sorry you are in this situation. I can't imagine the pain and confusion and anger you feeling right now.

    Sounds to me that your ex isn't guy but bi-sexual. He probably confused about his sexuality.

    I can understand you must be very hurt. You feel that the two people you trusted have betrayed you.

    Your sister is very wrong to have done what she did - family don't do things like that to one another.

    I know right now it hard and I don't know what to say to help you really except forget the pair of them.

    Your ex isn't someone to try and win back - let him go. As for your sister it isn't going to be that easy never to see her again as she will be at family functions same as you but I guess the trust has been shattered and she will have a lot of making up to do.

    Move on with your life and find someone who makes you happy hun.

    All the very best!


  3. They are completely going above and beyond to hurt you now. They are being complete ***es. It is time to cut all ties with people who are mutual friends of yours (if you aren't sure if they aren't neutral). I'm sure the things can be replaced that were left with you sister. As for the hitting, some people are into S & M. if it took him years to display this, he just wanted to hit you (punish). It had absolutely nothing to do with the s*x. BREAK ALL CONTACT WITH THE BOTH OF THEM. If your sister values you as much as you do her, she will eventually come to you and apologize. He is a black plague.

    P.S. you stated ex's girlfriend...what?

  4. Oh god, Im really sorry you had to see this.

    It looks like hes not sure about his sexuality, and as for your sister, well she should know better, thats pretty unforgivable.

    My ex from 6years back and my bestfriend went out with eachother behind my back, so I cut them out of my lives. I was however more upset with my ex bestfriend.

    Im really not sure what to tell you right now, as I know you must be hurting so much (i can sympathize, my ex fiance told me he'd cheated on me, this was 5months back).

    All I can say is your better off without people that hurt you.

    Hugs x*x

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