
So confused about how far along I am, please help?

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Okay so I'm really confused about how many weeks pregnant I am. I had my last period, lets say on June 20. I cant remember the exact day but that would be close. And the internet baby sites tell me that I am now 11 weeks. However, on Aug. 11 I had an ultrasound and it didn't show anything but a yolk sac, so the doctor said I was maybe 5 1/2 weeks, which would now be about 8 1/2. But then yesterday, Sept. 2, I went for another ultrasound and this time it showed a tiny embryo and the doctor said I looked to be 6 weeks pregnant. Oh, and I actually found out I was pregnant on July 24 if that helps. When I told the doctor all of this she just said, "Oh , it doesn't seem to add up does it" and that was it. Also on the ultrasound she couldn't find a heart beet, so that worries me because if I am 11 weeks I should have a heart beet in there. Please someone help me figure this out.




  1. There is no telling when you got pg. What ever the doctors say is what you go by. I know my last period was in dec and I got pregnant some time in january. My due date was in octorber. So you might listen and just go by what they say.

  2. ok my last period was 20 june! i did my tests 23rd july!!!

    i make my dates to be 10weeks 5 days  yes u should see a the baby quite clearly on the scan  heart beat as well

    could you have your dates wrong?

    if not i would ask for a second opinion because something is not right

    GO BACK!!

    i hope this gets sorted for you x

  3. Sounds like you may have been pregnant twice.  It may be that you lost the first one and conceived again.

  4. It is pretty hard to figure out if you do not know the exact first day of your last period.  There does seem to be a big gap in the weeks when they change it on you.  If I were you I would just go by what the ultrasound says because they are pretty accurate in determining the age.  However in your case it is not an actual fetus yet so that is why there is so many discrepancies.  Hopefully you will be going for another ultrasound at around 16 weeks then you will get a more accurate age.

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