
So could I be pregnant? and why didn't the line appear more? ?

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have been on bcp, since i was 15 and, My husband and I decided we would like to have children. So I stopped taking my bc. I finished my last pack in July and was visited by af on july 17. I am now 3 days late.Could I have gotten pregnant the first time we tired, like so soon of my bcp? Yesterday morning I took 2 tests (2 different brands) and they both had faint positive lines. and today I took another test and it had the same faint line. So could I be pregnant? and why didn't the line appear more?

I was also wondering IF i am really pregnant can I be having symptoms already? They say you don't get symptoms till about 6 weeks, and if i am pregnant i wouldn't only be 4-5 weeks. right? This morning I throw up My breakfast i was nausea all day. and i can only eat lil portions and after I eat i feel really bloated. and i feel like I have a lot more blood flow to my body especially my face. Idk if that has anything to do with it, but i was wondering.




  1. congrats!! i would say u r pregnant!! false + r rare so 3 tests came out +!!

    enjoy every minute keep us updated!!

    my question above please answer!! 'could this be my time?'

    ty x*x

  2. You could easily be pregnant. As soon as you stop taking the pill it stops working. Most OB/GYNs recommend waiting for one natural cycle before TTC, but you can get pregnant by missing a pill so you can definitely get pregnant as soon as you stop taking them.

    If you are seeing the line at all you are pregnant. There is no such thing as a false-positive with pregnancy tests. You either have the pregnancy hormone (even a little bit of it) or you don't. Time to call your OB and set up and appointment.

    Congratulations and Good Luck!

  3. Yes its possible to get pregnant that quickly.  I did with my first two.  Three positive tests is a clear sign that you are indeed pregnant.  As long as the lines appeared within the allotted time, then even a faint line is a positive.  As for the symptoms, it differs for different people.  Its true that the more "severe" symptoms don't start until around 6 weeks, but its not unheard of to get them a little sooner or a little later.  It is possible that you've caught a bug too though.  The pain in your abdomen COULD be menstrual cramps that are signs that your period is about to start.  However, 3 positives still make me think pregnancy.  False positives are VERY rare, so three false positives is practically unheard of. Personally, I think a congratulations are in order!  Just call your doc first thing Monday morning and request a blood test.  GOOD LUCK (and congrats!)

  4. Congrat!  The faint lines are due to very early pregnancy and will be darker if you retest in a few days.

    Morning sickness, etc can begin just a few days after implantion when hcg levels increase (the levels double every other day) which is days before a missed AF.  Start on Prenatal vitamins (B6 is said to decrease morning sickness and also ginger (ginger ale doesn't have real ginger in it so don't bother drinking that).

    It's normal to experience mild cramping, sharp lower pains, fullness feeling or even a tickling sensation.  It's from the implanting and expanding uterus.

  5. Yes, it is possible to get pregnant that fast.  And yes, if you got a faint line, it is still a line, and you are pregnant...even a faint positive is a positive, congratulations.  You can have symptoms already.  I always knew I was pregnant before my period was even late!  The best way to ward off the nausea is to eat small amounts.

  6. Congrats!  A line is positive no matter how faint.  And yes whenever I have been pregnant I know right away because of the symptoms.  Which usually happens around implantation.  And you can get pregnant your first cycle for sure.  I always have, in fact one time I got pregnant after skipping 2 pills.

  7. Yes you could get pregnant that soon. Some people get symptoms within a couple days of conceiving. Any line even a faint one indicates a positive test. It just means your very early. Congratulations and your lucky you conceived so fast. Good luck to a good and healthy pregnancy.

  8. Congrats, you're pregnant. A lines a line. It will be faint as the hormone is still doubling and in a few more days it will be more distinct. The only symptoms I had were cramps in the first 5 weeks.

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