
So depressed help! cant stop crying ?

by Guest66292  |  earlier

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Hey people well i have a 4 month old baby boy that was conceived in a year and a half relationship but the thing is i can't get over the b*****d that hurt me and that is my babbys daddy,, was i found out i was pregnant i found out he was chaeting on me. with another girl i got so mad and plus the moodswings didnt help i left him because i found out she was pregant Now the girl he is with is the same girl he chaeting on me with my son is only 4 months older than there other child and its a girl im so depressed i know i shouldnt think about it but i cant get over it and i feel like a d**n fool you know...and the thing is the girls he is with did everything posible to break us up and now she got what she wanted,, she with him and they have a lil girl togther.. it hurts i jsut need some advice from a friend to make me feel better plz..I hate her and him so bad but it still hurts! i love my son and im so blessed to have him in my life there are moments where i dont care because my son makes me happy but there are other times where i cant stand the pain! help!




  1. I know a lot of people will probably tell you the same thing. But pain is only temporary. Time will heal your wounds. Ugh, how cliche, i can't beleive i said that! But it's true. I've been through some pretty bad breakups, but children were never involved. Things get much more complicated when a baby enters the equation. I'm not going to say what the father of your baby did was right, because everyone knows that cheating is almost unforgivable. I'm not saying to forgive the man, but getting over it should be on your list of things to do. Yes, he hurt you, and yes, it's a slap in the face that he's with the girl that "stole" him from you.  But raising your child with such an extreme hatred for his father will only be harder for him ( your baby)  in the long run. People do things out of immaturity, and sometimes those things can come back to haunt you.   If you guys are no longer together, then it wasn't meant to be. Some day, you will find a man that you know you can't live without,  and won't even look at another woman the way he see's you. But until then, you have a wonderful beautiful gift wrapped up in the baby boy you just had, that needs all the love an attention you can give him. Don't waste those precious moment that will pass all too soon thinking about the past that saddens you. Look to the future, and that little sponge waiting to soak up everything you can teach him. Sorry if this just seems like gibberish, but I wish you both the best. And just remember, when your upset, look at your baby boy and remember what a miracle it is to be able to have him in your life.  

  2. The guy is a loser and he will wreck that lady's child because he will model bad behavior. Your boy has a chance to grow up without a horrid role model and he will have a better chance of being a decent person.

    I have two children. One has no father and one has a lousy father. The one with no father is doing really well. The one with the lousy father has been programmed with lousy ideas. For example, when things don't go his way, he thinks people are against him. When he can't get what he wants because I'm not able to do it for a good reason such as being ill, he will say things like, "You're not sick." Reality for his father is whatever he wants it to be and his son is picking up the same stupid ideas. I don't know if he will ever function well.

    So, don't engage this guy and try to get him around your child or you will be raising a boy who does not respect women. Count your lucky stars.  

  3. if you want, you can get child support from him, if you want. i understang you position and you sound like a strong person to have made it this far. my only advice i guess would be to keep your friends close, posibly make new ones, and try to keep moving forward

  4. yeah that is pretty hard. but if oyu think about it.. he must not of loved oyu if he was gunna cheat and didnt up with her instead of you.  so you shouldnt cry over a guy who thinks nothing of you.

    dont try and let him make u feel like a fool either.. find osme one who makes u happy and wont cheat and will except your baby as there own as well..

    get a dart board and stick his picture on it and dart at his face lol :)

    congrates on the baby! :)

  5. You live you learn right?  Just let him go, as hard as that may be.  You and your son have to keep pushing forward and live your lives. You only get one.  His actions are not responsible ones, and he does not sound like a good role model for your son. Find someone who deserves you both. Realize your differences and take it one day at a time. I hope this helps.

  6. get dat child suport and kick him out!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I might agree with Colten. I'd basically say to the a*****e, Either be there for the kid or stay the h**l way. Take comfort in the fact that Once a cheater always a cheater. He'll get bored with her and prlly mess her up too. She brought that onto herself.

    Once you have that settled, disconnect any friendship or relationship with im, only maintain contact IF it's in the best interest of the child. Otherwise he'll onloy hurt you more and again. You'll find someone else, but until then take care of your kid they are your world now. I know you'll be a great mother.

    Take care of yourself and your son.

  8. he's not worth it if he broke your heart. your child is a blessing, not a curse. and him leaving you for someone else proves just how much a a S****y boyfriend is. your gonna find someone it'll just take time for your heart to heal. there's nothing i can really say to make you feel better or to help you heal. time only does that. just remember this cheesy cliche " its always darkest before dawn"

  9. Good thing I heard you say was You've Been Blessed with your son, now reread what you wrote, and read what you said. The guy Cheated on you with the other girl..and guess what, She ended up staying with the Cheater that is going to Cheat on her one day. That happened to me 31 years ago, my Dear, and what made me strong was my Daughter, I realized he was a Cheater, and will never change, and I didn't want to put my child through this, I left him, the minute I found out he cheated, and never did I look bad. Now as for you. You need to see that He lost out on a Beautiful son, and he lost You..a loving Mother, Move will find better..never think you are Less of a person, he did wrong..God Bless..P/S teach your son to be faithful and caring and loving to women..not be a Loser like his dad.

  10. Get drunk and sleep around. It'll cure the pain, and he might come back to you.  

  11. What he did was horrible, so horrible that he doesn't deserve the time you think about him. Move on and be glad that your ex is with that girl who was essential in the end of your relationship. Now she gets what she deserves- a cheating, deceitful person that could hurt her like he hurt you. Just don't waste your time on him. Move on and look for someone else who won't treat you badly when you're ready for another man.  

  12. go to the doctor. narcisism never got anyone anywhere.

  13. frist try to think postive itsz not good to bring a negative vibe around your son i was told baby's can sense your moodsz and they react to it try talking to a psychologist or someone bout thisz dont go thru this pain alone but def get child support; itsz okay everything going to be okay jus remember wat goes around comesz around dat girl he with isz going to him jus like ur hurtin

    i hope i helped =]

  14. haha yea i agree with answer #1

  15. You've got to look at your situation with common sense. Your past is dead. There is nothing you can change but to move forward. Maybe start making plans relocating if that helps. Your son is your top priority and he deserves a better future, both of you. Your ex will only drag you down. Forget him. You and your son's future is full of many opportunities.

  16. chicka forget bout him hes a mother ****** who doesnt no how to treat a girl you now have a beautiful baby boy in your life you should be luky for him you no ?? you dont need an *** hole like that guy i give you propds for being a singlee mom !! :)

  17. god will definatly punishm him severly for the sin he has committed.

    i know and can understand the difficult times you are undergoing and at the same time that B....std is enjoying life.

    best thing to do is now, just move away from the sight of him, if possible relocate your place of stay and work, get a job or do your higher studies that will help you to focus your mind out of depression. good luck to you.

  18. I am so sorry for your anguish. Don't feel like a fool. That man isn't worth all of this pain.

    Please, please find someone to talk to. I think the best thing is to move on, love your son, and build a new life. Living well is the best revenge. Find a new life!

    Now you have your sweet baby to love; he is such a gift, so take the best from that jerk and live happily. No one has control over your life but you.

    It will take some time to get over the lowdown blues, and I don't blame you for feeling so  bad, but some of it may be due to post-pregnancy hormones.

    Do you have family that loves you? Turn to them--or to friends--and find a support group of single moms who can relate to you. Get away from  your  house; stay with a supportive friend for a few days or take a little vacation if you can. You need to breathe.

    There are lots of terrible men in this world who father children and take no responsibility. Young men are selfish and foolish. Perhaps this was not the ideal time to have a baby, but he's here now. So live in love, pray, find some loving support.

    Take good care. Take vitamins, too, to replenish yourself after pregnancy, eat healthy, drink lots of water. Believe me, this all will help. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  

  19. oh...I'm so sorry that happened to you, I don't know how to help or what to say.  Sorry. =(

  20. if you are depressed i believe you have your friends, tell them about it. release your anger and pain inside yourself. you can sleep or maybe eat. you have a child, take care of him/her. about your man, kick him out of your house :) that guy is not worthy of your tears :) hehehehe

  21. Find a  new man, raise a good child, buck up he won't get away with it he'll get what he deserves.

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