
So did I do something wrong?

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There is a street right next to an on-ramp in this section of town. The street has construction on it so its mandatory to get onto this highway. Anyways, there are two cars infront of me and one in back of me. The two infront of me are going slow as h**l, but I'm pretty patient and don't mind, but as soon as we were getting onto the freeway I got on before them by kind of going over the line. I don't know if that makes sense, its hard to explain.

Anyways, the two cars infront of me are still going slower and then suddenly the car infront of me beeps the horn at me, swires into the other lane and drive by fast beside me and give me the finger and yells "**** you" to me.

Now do you think she did that because she thought I was going slow, or did it have something to do with us getting onto the highway. Does she feel I cut her off or something, or is this woman just psycho? lol.




  1. Well, if you had gotten into the middle lane you could have avoided this because the people in front of you were trying to get onto the highway (slow or not).  She most likely did not see you and you scared her when she went to pull on.  Yeah, you could have let them on first, or got onto the highway and let them on.  However, I would let this one go... people honk and give the NY salute all the time.  Good luck.

  2. Lets see now. Two cars were in front of you merging into the lane they were supposed to and you pulled an immediate left and passed both of them.  

    Someone was stuipd here

    what would have happened if the driver in  front of you did the exact same thing you did at the exact same time?

    You are supposed to obey the traffic laws and not create a traffic hazzard by zooming around someone. What if you would have run into her car and killed her baby or something?

    Or was that any concern of yours.

    If it would have been me, just as you were starting to pass i would have pulled my rig to the left & scared the **** out of you. If you keep doing this some trucker will, i guarentee

    Please obey the traffic laws and be considerate of others.

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