
So did you end up marrying the person you thought you'd marry??

by Guest63890  |  earlier

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I mean like 5 or 10 years ago (before you were married), did you see yourself with someone else other than your current partner??




  1. No, I didn't end up with the one I thought I was going to marry. But, I got a better deal.

  2. Yeah I did, but it will never happen

  3. Well, I saw myself with a certain "type" of person and the man I'm married to is nothing like that type.  I always pictured myself with someone funny, outgoing, romantic and thoughtful.  My husband is quiet, introverted, physically strong, supportive, and thoughtful at just the moment when I've given up all hope of him ever being thoughtful!  Somehow, I don't think I'd be as happy with the "type" I was expecting to marry.  My guy is a pleasant and unexpected surprise.

  4. Idk and i don't wanna kno i jus wanna find someone my type

  5. Five years before I was married I was certain I'd marry someone else - I hadn't even met my husband yet. But my first love went away, I thought never to return. I met my husband a few years later, fell in love, & became engaged. THEN the first love reappeared. For a while I was so confused, so upset. But soon after I sent him away & married my husband. I've never regretted my decision.

  6. Yes, and then I woke up and saw....a blob of disappointment, lying, and cheating. And so now I'm married to myself. Ya feel me.

  7. No, but my second wife is an absolute blessing. She is everything I thought a wife should be.

  8. No, it is better not to look back wards and to only look forward. Live in the moment not in the past or the what ifs.  

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