
So............dis is world famous Trini lime?

by  |  earlier

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I now reach! Hello everyone!




  1. Welcome to de posse :)

  2. Whaaay allyuh...we world famous now? Nice!

    Welcome Jade, pull up yuh seat and mind wha Trinisoccer (TS) say bout entry requirements! :)

  3. lucky you lol

  4. Hello Jade, a very warm welcome to you.

  5. Welcome girl. Waz de rel scene? :-)

  6. *  hic * but whey here izz..... em how yuh does get taxi from here *hic* somebody say 'Hennesheee"

    keep de glassz *hic* i does still take meh bottle

    So Miss Jade tell we bout yuh self nah, no not dem ting. More like whey in Trini yuh frum and whey yuh went to school and yuh chow recipe.... we go need yuh blood type later on

  7. Welcome to de fete gyul. We are family here.

  8. Hi Jade.......welcome.

  9. yeah......... welcome to de posse lol!

  10. hi girlfriend, you on de inside wit de bes lime you could fine on de net. yuh know how it is jus bring drinks and yuh have lifetime membership.

    TS like you have a special banker, the legal ting does bus de mark 6:30. lol

  11. Hey Jade, Welcome to, as you said, the World Famous Trini Lime.

    Entry is absolutely free, however as indicated by TS, you are required to supply two bottles of Johnny and Hott Shoppe Roti for all.  These entry requirements are mandatory and may be increased and added to.

    Currently members are also accepting:

    currants roll



    bake and shart (from Maracas) with all the trimmings

    and hennessy and redbull...on the rocks

    As an official card carrying member, you are required to check in regularly, answer truthfully and to the best of your ability...and generally educate the Y!A community and have fun!!

    Note that there are trolls and a very "fishy" character who can and will report any and every thing posted.  so look out for those teeth.

    Soooooo, having said all of that, pull up a chair, relax and grab ah glass.

    Ahhh, but pass d Johnny nah, the rest of us already have our glass just waiting!!!!

  12. Welcome and here are the entry requirements....

    1) 2 Bottle of Johnny Black (It use to be 1 but gas prices. yuh understand)

    2) Hott Shoppe Roti/Bussup shutt for every current member...

    Welcome to the greatest Trini Lime on the Net... Watch yuh wording 'cause Y! go buss yuh like the 4 O'Clock mark if it aint said right....


    Pardon me Lez 6:30 is when the common man get the mark....tartar.


    Nika yuh to nice with yuhself. MAUH!

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