
So do Feminist really hate s**y, cute, pretty women, is it part of their anger?

by Guest33547  |  earlier

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I saw a question on here by a woman, saying "why when feminist finally get a man…………"




  1. no, just fine with my own looks, thanks.

    edit: i would also like to say i LOVE how all you sexist trolls don't post your own pic. ha! call someone else ugly, yet you're too skerred to show your own mug. that should say something right there.

  2. Then I'd have to hate me, and I don't. :)

  3. Well, I'm a s**y feminist with a s**y man.

    Drives you NUTS, doesn't it?

  4. Many of us ARE "s**y, cute, pretty women."

    We just recognize and value our intelligence, too, and don't seek to use our looks to get "ahead."

  5. No, not at all. And I hate it that people think that. Feminism has nothing to do with hating any "pretty, s**y women" even if they are only that according to whatever everyones standard of pretty and s**y is. The woman who asked that question probably didn't intend to sound that way (i wouldnt know, i haven't seen it yet) or if she did intend to berate feminists then she's just rather ignorant.

  6. It depends on the feminist.

  7. Nope feminists don't hate men or women. This question is just as illogical as these:

    Do anti-feminists hate s**y handsome men? Is it part of their anger or yours?

    Do anti-feminists hate s**y pretty women? Is it part of their anger or yours?

  8. I do consider myself a Feminist now, and I am s**y, cute, pretty, and highly attractive.  If you can't face that, it's you who has the problem.

  9. Well, I don't hate myself. So no.

  10. Look some WOMEN just can't get a man, or are turned down, or dumped

    So WHAT the H*** else do YOU want them to do, they are not hanging around me, that’s for sure

    I know women that says that they are feminist, yet ‘I support 8 families and individuals in Third World Countries around the World’

    They won’t put their money where their mouth is, so I let them talk and talk, usually about how bad men are, well that’s fine for them

    I say get involved and support a sister somewhere, but they WON’T. EVER

  11. I'm cute...  I keep in great shape, I have fabulous clothes, I'm a great dancer, I play a number of sports, I read.... I've never had any issues with men.  Some happen to be my really great friends.

  12. i thought we just hated men...

    uh-oh they're going to revoke my feminist card-carrying privileges.

    PS...i'm s**y

  13. No way. We hate stupid women, or women who play stupid. Looks have nothing to do with it. Though- I confess, I cannot stand women who try to get by on looks alone.

    Before you judge-- I've never had a problem getting attention when I walk in a room, and I have both my bachelors and a masters degree. ; ) My husband always described me as "the whole package."

  14. their jealous to quite an extent-i wish they would just live with themselves and not take it out on me and the rest of us

  15. I am a feminist because I believe in the equal treatment of men and women (the definition of 'feminism', btw), and moreover, I am not angry at all.

    I have had Playboy inquire about my interest in modeling in the magazine (I didn't do it because I don't believe in objectifying myself for men's pleasure).  But, that should say something about my hope I am not hating on pretty girls....

  16. Feminists are women just want to be treated like human beings...and not be judged by men who think like that too much to ask...?

    Huh, Joey?....Is that too much?

    Bare your teeth if you agree...

  17. I don;t give a c**p about feminism...but is that avatar a pic of you? If so, man I wish i was 16 again.

  18. EGO is the root of selfishness

  19. The only people who hate attractive women are people whose self-esteem is dependent entirely on their looks. Feminists can be just as pretty as any other women.

  20. I wouldn't say all feminists do, but some ugly sad women use feminism as a way of masking their unhappiness at being rejected by guys.

  21. That's a generalization and indicates pseudo-reasoning level of cognitive assessment of reality, which limits one's rise into awareness.  Adolescents frequently see world in such skewed generalizations and meaningless enlightenment-inhibiting abstractions.  Feminists are "ugly bogeymen" only in some immature, easily frightened unworldly minds.  Read more.  Actually mingle with women instead of just boys.  Be brave about that.  Get out more among people of different ages and you'll learn that some of the most beautiful women in the world, inside and outside, are those women who do not mutilate themselves with botox injections, breast enlargement surgeries, cosmetic surgeries, hair dyes, etc.  I am a feminist and I look exactly like my avatar, just taller, like a giraffe.  My husband of 25 years was nuts over my natural looks, especially when I let my long blond hair down and rode out nude to him on his Palomino on our farm at sunset to bring him ice tea and succor. Three men have asked me to marry them since Christmas.  And, there is no lack of young ones for midnight snacks.  The BEST of men in the world, and I travel the world, are ONLY interested in strong, self-determining intelligent women.  I worry about weaker men always breeding with weaker women, possibly creating that weaker species of human that anthropologists are predicticing humanity evolves partly into, the other part continuing to get smarter, stronger.  Breed with a stupid weak woman, get stupid weak sons.  Some men are that insecure, unfortunately, to want weaker sons than even they are.

  22. I think most women don't even like been called feminist anymore.  Just because of the stigma attached.

    I don't hate s**y, cute, pretty women - I dislike fake looking women (Jodie marsh to name but one).  But natural beauties like Angelina Jolie, I admire.

    Some I suppose would call me a feminist, just because I believe in equal rights, but I believe in equal rights for all kin and creed.  

    ps - I don't wear dungarees either.


  23. No, I'm bisexual so I love s**y and pretty women. :)

  24. no, because many feminists ARE cute and pretty, minus the s**y.

  25. I don't think so. I'm all of those things except for the feminist part and most femenist like me even tho I am not one myself.

  26. Although I'm not by definition a feminist, I do think that it goes without saying that women would like to be judged not by their "s**y, cute, or pretty" characteristics. But by their intelligence, strength of character, and accomplishments as men are more often judged. It is the focus on these skin-deep characteristics in women that lead young girls to focus more on what they look like in a bikini than on their academic achievements. The result being 13 year olds wearing pants with "juicy" or "s**y" written on the rear to attract male attention, and idolizing female singers who have succeeded, not due to their talents, but their ability to wear skimpier outfits.

    We do not hate women who are s**y, cute, and pretty, we pity those who believe that the achievement of these characteristics is the only measure of their success in life, all they have to offer and all they truly are.

  27. Personally I have never met a woman or man who was not a feminist But for some reason they are afraid to identify themselves as such.

    It is a really outdatted term that is not used much today.

    If you believe males and females are of equal worth then you are a feminist.

  28. I guarantee you, feminists hate pretty feminine women.

    I deal with this all the time.

  29. Haha, I hope you aren't serious. There are lots of pretty feminists. People who believe that women should be treated totally equally and with respect don't have to be unattractive.  I think you might be thinking about tired stereotypes or caricatures.

  30. Yet another brilliant question! Hilarious! Did you go to Oxford? Or Harvard? ......

    All you guys are doing is embarrasing yourselves! Seriously!

  31. im not into feminism especially radical feminism, i learnt about it in sociology, they seem to think that everything is against women basically, although, i do believe in equal rights.

    btw your hot

    EDIT: dont think all feminists are like that just the few i learnt about and radical feminists

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