
So do I need to have my sycamore cut down it's about 70 feet tall,that is growing sprouts due to lightning

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So do I need to have my sycamore cut down it's about 70 feet tall,that is growing sprouts due to lightning




  1. Hooray, you have NEW growth.

    UNLESS a professional says it needs to come down, I wouldn't remove it!, BUT you might want to remove the 'sprouts' if they are in a bad spot.

  2. Have the tree inspected by an experienced tree person.  Truthfully, get opinions from several as the answers might vary quite a bit.  If it's been struck by lightning, then it might have issues that are unseen to the normal person but not the a tree person.  

    Some of these tree guys just want to cut down and go (fastest way to make $$) and some will recommend that as a last resort and actually care for the trees just like a BIG plant.  Find someone you like and who gives you good information to make an informed decision.  You don't want to use the guy that says "Cut it down" and doesn't explain why.  Trees are important to the environment and our local wildlife and should be treated with a bit of care.

    We have a tree professional come in about every 3-4 years to check out the mature trees on our property.  He's been watching a large locust tree that was struck by lightning but has done well regardless.  Now this year, he's a little concerned and we're going to be putting a cable between the two main up branches to provide some extra support for the side that got struck.  The tree is still healthy, green but it has changed and safety is always a concern especially with a 70' tree!

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