
So do u know what this section is missing

by  |  earlier

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wee angie.dead simple.the other women on here try their best but they cant hold a candle to wee angie.dont we agree lads.ladies,feel free to vent your anger and disgust at the question as u see fit




  1. An e***a? Hahahaha!!!!

  2. your just throwing a wee hissy cos wee erra is top dog now....wee angie was a good wee bluenose was she not..hurry back we need

  3. i havent seen scotsair leaving any posts on here or in his other section for a week or two, has he went back on course?

  4. We have tried our best you know,we know you love us blue ladies but we will never live up to angie,no matter how many times you get a canning,twig snapping or are put on the naughty step lol

  5. she'll be back in time

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