
So do women enjoy p**n made for women?

by Guest63916  |  earlier

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I know there are pornos and porno magazines made for the women audience, but I'm wondering if women ever indulge themselves to look at studs in the magazines and what not....and if not why?

For those on their moral quest of chastity and censored goodness I respect your opinion that these types of magazines and ANY sort of p**n is wrong, unacceptable, immoral, filthy, and any other word you can call them. I AM FULLY AWARE OF THAT. But for those who..i won't necessarly say are more 'open-minded' to this subject, but more, 'moral free' to it, how or what do you think about it?




  1. p**n made "For women" tends to focus on a storyline... "male oriented" p**n is typically a shoddy story line and lots of s*x. I find that preferable. I don't need my p**n "dressed up." To h**l with a storyline!

  2. Most p**n is made for men.

    "p**n made for women" is called a Romance novel. Alot of women like them

  3. No, not really.  I've looked at p**n intended for straight men, g*y men, straight women, and lesbians, (though less for the women, simply because of the availability) and mostly it doesn't do much for me.  With my first cable internet subscription, I satisfied my curiosity and quit looking a few years ago.

    I really prefer a good story with racy bits to a graphic show-and-tell.

  4. How do you define p**n "made for women"? Nude guys doing laundry??

  5. if p**n made for women is rubbish softcore stuff where you cant see anything no. i prefer normal p**n of the net. yeah i love p**n been watching it since i was 16 and used to steal it from my dad!

  6. p**n made for women can be enjoyable for a little while, but it gets boring pretty fast. Most women would rather be with a real person and see their partner as more than just a body.

  7. No.  I can think of a lot of men who I find attractive, but I tend to be turned on by men who I see in ordinary feature films or TV shows, usually when they are doing something dashing, the sort of men who would make porno films don't appeal to me at all.  I mean, you're never going to see Harrison Ford or Pierce Brosnan or someone like that in those kind of films, are you?

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